Poland |
1) Stories about Emotions |
Intervention focused on building social-emotional skills to help children cope with difficult situations. The aim of the program is to strengthen the ability to recognize emotions in oneself and others, expressing them in a constructive way and regulating their intensity. |
Education |
Y |
2015 |
Ongoing |
Gruntownia Center for Good Training
Karimba Theater Drama Arteterapia |
N/A |
Children (4-5 years old)
Teachers |
Children |
Schools |
yes |
N/A |
Pedgogists |
Mental Health professionals |
Gruntownia Center for Good Training
Maria Maruszczyk
www.bajkioemocjach.pl |
Data Base
https://programyrekomendowane.pl |
https://programyrekomendowane.pl/programy/promocja-zdrowia-psychicznego/poruszajace-bajki-o-emocjach/ |
Education |
Poland |
2) Emotional First Aid |
Developing the ability of students aged 8-12 to cope with stress and difficulties, as well as shaping attitudes of optimism, empathy, perseverance and self-confidence. Specific objectives include: building self-esteem and proper self-esteem based on awareness of your own feelings and needs, teaching concentration and a careful, conscious approach to the surrounding reality, to yourself and to others, developing the ability to establish and maintain close relationships with others, developing cognitive competences and creativity. |
Education |
Y |
2016 |
Ongoing |
Center for Positive Education (Centrum Edukacji Pozytywnej) |
N/A |
Children (8-12 years old) |
Children |
After School Programs
Psychological and pedagogical counseling centers
Youth Sociotherapy Centers |
yes |
N/A |
http://www.pozytywnaedukacja.pl/ |
Mental health professionals + others |
Center for Positive Education
e-mail: apteczka@pozytywnaedukacja.pl |
Data Base
https://programyrekomendowane.pl |
https://programyrekomendowane.pl/programy/promocja-zdrowia-psychicznego/apteczka-pierwszej-pomocy-emocjonalnej/ |
Education |
Poland |
3) Look Differently |
Preventing addictions and other destructive behaviors by supporting positive development and psychosocial skills that are crucial for this developmental period.
The program is aimed at supporting psychosocial skills that are key in this developmental period (coping with difficult emotions, constructive communication, resolving conflicts, building a positive self-image, etc.), strengthening healthy rules of functioning in the classroom/peer group, developing the educational skills of early childhood education teachers. (e.g. classroom management skills, ability to recognize children's needs, support in difficult situations, etc.), and creating a positive climate in the classroom and the entire school. |
Education |
Y |
1993 |
Ongoing |
Association of Psychoprophylaxis "SPÓJRZ INACZEJ" |
N/A |
Children (8-10, 10-13 years old) |
Children |
Schools |
https://programyrekomendowane.pl/programy/promocja-zdrowia-psychicznego/spojrz-inaczej-dla-klas-1-3/ |
N/A |
Teachers |
Mental health professionals + others |
http://www.spojrzinaczej.pl/ |
Data Base
https://programyrekomendowane.pl |
https://programyrekomendowane.pl/programy/promocja-zdrowia-psychicznego/spojrz-inaczej-dla-klas-4-6/ |
Education |
Poland |
The program is aimed at developing children's personal and social skills and improving their psychosocial functioning. The general goal of the program is to ensure a lasting increase in the sense of well-being and reduce the risk of pathologies and social exclusion by improving life skills - equipping children with personal resources that will allow them to effectively confront life events, in the form of elements of emotional intelligence and sense of coherence, as a global life orientation. |
Education |
Y |
2011 |
Ongoing |
Epsilon Plus Association
Center for Education and Prevention |
N/A |
Children (7-9)
Parenta |
Children |
Schools |
https://programyrekomendowane.pl/programy/promocja-zdrowia-psychicznego/program-epsilon/ |
N/A |
Teachers |
Mental health professionals + others |
www. http://epsilon.org.pl.
e-mail epsilon@epsilon.org.pl |
Data Base
https://programyrekomendowane.pl |
https://programyrekomendowane.pl/programy/promocja-zdrowia-psychicznego/program-epsilon/ |
Education |
Poland |
5) The Zippie's Friends |
The Zippie's Friends program was developed to equip young children with basic social and emotional competences that help them cope with difficult situations and, in the future, will allow them to function well in relationships with others and avoid risky behaviors. The aim of the program is to care for the health, well-being and good functioning of young children, as well as to prevent future problems by equipping children with basic life, social and emotional skills, coping with difficulties, change and loss, and resolving conflicts. |
Education |
Y |
2016 |
ongoing |
Center for Positive Education |
N/A |
Children (5-9) |
Children |
schools |
Nerwińska E., Przyjaciele Zippiego (w:) Rekomendowane programy profilaktyki uzależnień, Fundacja Praesterno, Warszawa, 2016 |
N/A |
Teachers |
School staff |
Center for Positive Education
e-mail: info@pozytywnaedukacja.pl |
Data Base
https://programyrekomendowane.pl |
www.partnershipforchildren.org.uk |
Education |
Poland |
6) Youth Prevention Center (Pracownia Profilaktyki Młodzieżowej “Pro-M”) |
Substance use prevention programs
Home detective program (Program Domowych Detektywów) - Home detective program adresses the truths and myths about alcohol, peer pressure and ways of dealing with pressure
and reasons why young people drink alcohol and the consequences of drinking at a young age.
Fantastic Possibilities (Fantastyczne Możliwości) - continuation of Home Detective Program for older childrens
Preventive intervention at school (Interwencja profilaktyczna w szkole) - The intervention is helpful in planning support for students who use alcohol, cigarettes, drugs and in diagnosing the level of risk. |
Two or more categories (multi-layered interventions/programs) |
Y |
2000 |
Ongoing |
Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology in Warsaw |
N/A |
parents |
Children and parent/carers |
schools |
https://ipin.edu.pl/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/ulotka-pdd-2022.pdf |
N/A |
Educators |
School staff + others |
dr hab. Krzysztof Ostaszewski
Instytut Psychiatrii i Neurologii, Zakład Zdrowia Publicznego,
Pracownia „Pro-M”,
ul. Sobieskiego 9, 02-957
e-mail: kostaszewski@ipin.edu.pl |
Data Base
https://programyrekomendowane.pl |
https://www.ipin.edu.pl/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/pl-eupc-online-final-przeslany-do-emcdda.pdf |
Education |
Poland |
7) New model of mental health care for children and adolescents in Poland |
Reduce discrimination and stigma; improve access to mental health services. Three level of care:
First level - Centers for Community Psychological and Psychotherapeutic Care for children and adolescents, employing psychologists, psychotherapists and community therapists.
The second level is the Community Mental Health Center, where you can seek advice from a psychiatrist.
The third level is the Center for Highly Specialized 24-Hour Psychiatric Care (psychiatric ward). |
Two or more categories (multi-layered interventions/programs) |
N |
2020 |
Ongoing |
Ministry of Health |
N/A |
Adults |
General Population |
Community Centers
Hospitals |
N/A |
National Health Fund |
Psychologists Psychoterapists Psychiatrists |
Mental Health professionals |
Minsitry of Health
Ul. Miodowa 15
00-952 Warsaw
+48 222 500 146 |
Yes |
https://www.gov.pl/web/zdrowie/nowy-model-ochrony-zdrowia-psychicznego-dzieci-i-mlodziezy |
mental health screening
treatment |
Poland |
8) Mental Health Buddies Network |
MH Buddies Network is a grass-roots project focused on minimizing the stigmatization of people with mental health issues. Project offers a series of trainings conducted by professionals (including psychologists, educators, and lawyers) on how to communicate with people struggling with mental health difficulties.
A group of university volunteers acts as friend-mentors. In this role, they encourage their fellow students to visit psychologists. They check in regularly with these peers, making themselves available to support in everyday difficulties and responsibilities pertaining to university life. Mental Health Buddies Network also utilizes social media to raise awareness of the importance of language in interpersonal relationships |
Education |
N |
2019 |
Ongoing |
Humanity in Action Poland |
N/A |
College Students |
Adolescents/Youth |
Universities |
N/A |
Humanity in Action Poland |
College students |
Mental health professionals + others |
Marcelina Rosińska
Mara Franke
Krystal McLeod |
Google |
Rosinska M. (2019) Mental Health Buddies Network (Sieć Przyjaciół Zdrowia Psychicznego), Humanity in Action Polska. Accessed June 1 2023 on https://humanityinaction.org/action_project/mental-health-buddies-network-siec-przyjaciol-zdrowia-psychicznego/ |
Education |
Poland |
9) SOS Children’s Villages |
Daily psychosocial support and accessible psychological care for both Polish and Ukrainian children and families, as well as a network of specialist centres that is currently being organized to help refugee children overcome the trauma of war.
Family strengthening programmes - SOS Children’s Villages currently supports nearly 1,500 people, including 880 children. The programmes take a holistic approach to mental health, providing families – mostly in remote villages – with continuous access to specialist support free of charge. A good practice already introduced in one of the programmes is to make two psychologists available for every family – one focused on the needs of children and one working with parents and other caregivers. When psychiatric care or other medical intervention is needed, families also receive logistic and financial support. Family strengthening programmes foster soft skills crucial for the emotional well-being of children and parents: those related to communications, recognizing one’s needs and emotions, self-confidence and sense of agency. In 17 daycare centres in Poland, care professionals work with children to help them discover and develop their talents and believe in their abilities. In the communities where family strengthening programmes operate, the stigma around mental health conditions is reduced. By sharing positive experiences, families build awareness among their neighbors and encourage them to seek help when needed.
Trauma-sensitive schools - SOS Children’s Villages Poland published the brochure Trauma-informed school. Supporting children affected by trauma in the process of education
SOS Children’s Villages Poland led a series of workshops for teachers, social workers and other professionals who may work with children who have suffered trauma. So far, over 1,000 people have taken part. The project, started locally in schools that children from SOS Children’s Villages attend, has been expanded to sensitize wider groups of childcare professionals and raise trauma-awareness on a systemic level.
Team up - Aleksandra Sikorska, SOS Children’s Villages’ psychologist, is currently adding TeamUp to the range of MHPSS activities in Poland. This method of working with refugee children, developed by War Child Holland, has already been used by SOS Children’s Villages in Greece and Italy. During their summer camp stay in Caldonazzo, Italy, Polish and Ukrainian children took part in TeamUp sessions. TeamUp facilitators guide children through games, sports-related activities, dance, body awareness exercises and creative movement that contribute to their physical, cognitive, social and emotional development. Through play, TeamUp provides structure to children (a predictable and well-organised environment offering clear, consistent rules, norms and responsibilities ) in order to give them a sense of normalcy, safety and stability. TeamUp games are fun, offer outlets for energy, stress release and tensions in the body. Games evoke emotions and sensations in the body. Engaging in movement-based activities allow children to cope and process their emotions through the body
During TeamUp activities, children can meet children of the same age and build new friendships within a safe environment. They learn how to play together, trust each other and connect with one another. |
Two or more categories (multi-layered interventions/programs) |
N |
2018 Family strengthening programmes
2022 Programs for Refugees from Ukraine
2023 Trauma-sentitive programs |
Ongoing |
SOS Children’s Villages
Child Protection Sub Working Group (focused on Ukraine) |
SOS Children’s Villages |
Orphan Children
& Adolescents
Families |
Children |
4 SOS villages (Biłgoraj, Kraśnik, Siedlce,Karlin) |
Yes |
Foundations |
Psychologists |
Mental health professionals + others |
Zenon Decyk
SOS Chuildren's Villages
Niedźwiedzia 39, 02-737 Warsaw
phone 22 622 16 72
Email: info@sos-wd.org |
Yes |
https://www.sos-childrensvillages.org/news/mhpss-ukraine-poland |
education |
Poland |
10) TUTU Psychophysical Development Center |
The TUTU Center provides mental health services for refugees. TUTU Center staff is bilingual and provides psychological and therapeutic support children, youth and adults including social skills training, art and music therapy to address trauma. |
Non-focused Specialized Services (Individual, family, or group interventions including PFA, scalable psychological interventions, and basic MH care by primary health care workers) |
N |
2022 |
Ongoing |
Podkarpackie Association for Active Families |
N/A |
Adults |
Migrants/refugees/asylum seeker/internally displaced persons |
Rzeszow |
N/A |
Project HOPE
We Empower Children Foundation |
Psychologists |
NGO and/or UN and/or Government |
Podkarpackie Association for Active Families
tutu@psar.pl |
Yes |
https://mapujpomoc.pl/en/placowki/centrum-rozwoju-psychofizycznego-tutu-tutu-psychophysical-development-center/ |
education |
Poland |
11) Blue Dot Hubs |
Blue Dots are support hubs that bring together critical protection services and information for refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine, with a particular focus on children and those at greatest risk. These include unaccompanied and separated children, persons with disabilities, cases of suspected trafficking, survivors of sexual or gender-based violence and refugees from the LGBTIQ+ community. Established by UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency and UNICEF, the UN Children’s Fund, together with local authorities and partners along the major crossing points and transit routes, Blue Dots provide a safe space, support and referrals for health care, education, psychosocial support and more.
The hubs offer: mental health services, social support, legal aid, administrative support, referrals to specialized services, weekly stress relief sessions, individual counselling sessions, and art therapy groups, training and guidance on specific groups of refugees, including survivors of violence, women and girls at risk, and unaccompanied or separated children. |
Two or more categories (multi-layered interventions/programs) |
N |
2022 |
Ongoing |
UN Refugee Agency
UN Children’s Fund |
N/A |
Refugees from Ukraine
Survivors of violence, women and girls at risk, and unaccompanied or separated children. |
Migrants/refugees/asylum seeker/internally displaced persons |
Warsaw |
N/A |
UN Refugee Agency
UN Children’s Fund |
Psychologists |
NGO and/or UN and/or Government |
ul. Przemyslowa 30, 00-450 Warsaw
Phone: +48 22 628 6930
Email: polwa@unhcr.org |
yes |
https://www.unhcr.org/pl/ |
treatment |
Poland |
12) Implementation of Mental Health Centers Pilots in Poland |
Details pilot of 41 mental health centers across Poland. Centres should comprise at least the following units- an outpatient unit or clinic providing medical and psychological advice, individual and group psychotherapeutic assistance, nursing services, and social interventions; a mobile community unit providing home visits, individual and group (incl. family) therapy, skills training, rehabilitation services, and general assistance to patients in building a social support network; a day unit providing day psychiatric hospitalisation to support provision of diagnostic, therapeutic or rehabilitation interventions; and a hospital unit, ideally located within a local general hospital rather than a specialist psychiatric hospital, providing round-the-clock hospital care for patients suffering from or at risk of severe disorders [20]. The centres may also sign agreements with providers of addiction treatment services. Depending on local needs, the centres may comprise additional specialized teams catering to the needs of selected groups of patients (e.g., psychogeriatric teams) or provide special services and other support mechanisms, such as crisis assistance, crisis housing, etc
Interventions: Medical and psychological advice, individual and group psychotherapeutic assistance, nursing services, and social interventions, home visits, individual and group (incl. family) therapy, skills training, rehabilitation services, and general assistance to patients in building a social support network
Mental health centres offer a breakthrough in achieving a shift to community-based mental care in Poland. They provide local populations with an easily accessible entry point to comprehensive and coordinated mental and related services close to their place of residence and without a referral. The pilot covers 12% of the adult population and its early results have been promising: it has led to improved access to non-stationary care as well as a small fall in hospitalisations. |
Two or more categories (multi-layered interventions/programs) |
N |
2018 |
ongoing |
Government/National Mental Health Protection Programme |
N/A |
Adults |
General Population |
Community Centers |
Peer reviewed: NCBI |
Goverment |
Psychiatrists |
NGO and/or UN and/or Government |
Sagan A, Kowalska-Bobko I, Biechowska D, Rogala M, Gałązka-Sobotka M |
yes |
Sagan A, Kowalska-Bobko I, Biechowska D, Rogala M, Gałązka-Sobotka M. Implementation of Mental Health Centres Pilots in Poland since 2018: A Chance to Move towards Community-Based Mental Health Services. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 May 9;19(9):5774. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19095774. PMID: 35565173; PMCID: PMC9099713.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9099713/ |
Education |
Poland |
13) "Preventionists.pl" - Training for Mental Health Professionals and Educators |
Foundation is conducting the following mental health services and trainings:
- Psychological and psychotherapeutic help for refugees from Ukraine. The project includes conducting psychotherapy in Ukrainian for refugees and training a group of educators and volunteers working with children from Ukraine in the field of psychological support. The program adapts materials and techniques provided by "The Health Support Team", NCSMH, and SMHILE, delivered in Poland for Ukrainian war refugees and Polish professionals and volunteers by Kira Mauseth, Tona McGuire, Robin Smith, Sharon Hoover, Jeff Bostic, and Eric Bruns.
- Teaching Recovery Techniques for Non-Professionals. The training provided by "The Children and War Foundation", delivered for Polish volunteers working with Ukrainian war refugees and Polish trauma victims by William Yule, Laura Tomlinson, and Maria Callais.
- Dissemination of Resources to help with stress, loss and trauma. Padlet with materials useful in the work of teachers supporting children in coping with stress, trauma and integration, provided by TIEF Foundation and The Wendt Center, delivered for Ukrainian and Polish educators working with Ukrainian war refugees by Mariola Rosser and Joyce Sebian. |
Two or more categories (multi-layered interventions/programs) |
N |
2022 |
Ongoing |
"You Have Chance" Foundation |
N/A |
College Students |
Migrants/refugees/asylum seeker/internally displaced persons |
Schools |
Yes |
ORLEN Foundation
Children & War Foundation |
Psychologists |
Mental health professionals + others |
Robert Porzak
r.porzak@maszszanse.info |
No |
https://www.childrenandwar.org |
Treatment |
Poland |
14) Lab for Youth Mental Health - Project Calm |
FIRST Model and Therapy Programs; implemented with children and adolescents; brief digital interventions can be self-administered by youths online: Collaboration between USA & Poland to support Ukraine. Project Calm teaches students calming skills that will help you feel better when they feel stressed, tense, or angry. |
Education |
N |
2023 |
Ongoing |
Harvard University |
N/A |
children and adolescents |
Children |
Schools |
https://weiszlab.fas.harvard.edu/first-model-and-therapy-programs |
Harvard University |
Therapist |
School staff + others |
John & Jenny Weisz |
No |
https://weiszlab.fas.harvard.edu/first-model-and-therapy-programs |
education |
Poland |
15) Empowering Children Foundation |
Non-governmental organization which provides comprehensive services (psychological, psychiatric, legal and medical assistance) for children who are the victims of violence and sexual abuse. Foundation also supports parents with free psychological and psychiatric consultations. Other activities include: educational activities for professionals working with children: teachers, caregivers, educators, social workers, doctors, nurses, policemen, lawyers, etc., who can identify the problem and intervene; trainings, seminars, conferences, and webinars that concern various forms of the problem of child abuse, including domestic and peer violence, sexual abuse, neglect, online threats; capacity buidling in various areas: diagnosis, intervention, therapeutic help, preventive measures. We provide both short awareness training and in-depth vocational skills courses. |
Two or more categories (multi-layered interventions/programs) |
N |
1991 |
Ongoing |
The Empowering Children Foundation |
N/A |
Parents |
Children and parent/carers |
Child Advocacy Centers Network |
N/A |
Drzewo i Jutro Foundation
Justce Fund of the Ministry of Justice
World Childhood Foundation
City Hall of Warsaw
Ingka |
psychiatrists |
Mental health professionals + others |
The Empowering Children Foundation
ul. Mazowiecka 12/25
00-048 Warszawa
Phone: 22 616 02 68
Fax: 22 266 85 30
biuro@fdds.pl |
yes |
https://fdds.pl/_Resources/Persistent/a/1/6/7/a16733cd47436d1a14294cf4bf442f91c7187104/Activity%20report%202023.pdf |
Education |
Poland |
16) Foundation By Choice |
Foundation By Choice provides psychotherapy for children in orphanages throughout Poland. |
Specialized Services (screening, diagnosis, treatment, referral) |
N |
N/A |
Ongoing |
Foundation By Choice |
N/A |
children in orphanages
Adults |
Children |
Foster Families |
N/A |
N/A |
Therapists |
Mental health professionals + others |
Wojciech Wychowaniec
Fundacja Z Wyboru
Projekt The Presja
tel.: +48 600 337 407
mail.: wojtek@zwyboru.pl |
No |
https://thepresja.pl |
Treatment |
Poland |
17) Foundation C.E.L. |
MHPSS (Prevention, education and therapy for youth and adults expereincing the following challenges: disability, domestic violence, addiction, homelessness, unemployment, mental illnesss. Programs: Life Skills; Group therapy for people with substance misuse, expereincing domestic violence; Parenting Skills |
Two or more categories (multi-layered interventions/programs) |
N |
2002 |
Ongoing |
Foundation C.E.L. |
N/A |
Adults |
Adolescents/Youth |
Community |
Yes |
Local goverment |
Psychologists |
Mental Health professionals |
Malgorzata Plocinska
mplocins@poczta.onet.pl |
No |
https://fundacjacel.pl |
Treatment |
Poland |
18) Community-Based Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergencies and Displacement |
Presentation slides provide an overview of best practices to be implemented in Poland to provide Community based mental health care for displaced persons from the Ukraine war. |
Social Considerations in Basic Services and Security (including advocacy/awareness-raising for MHPSS in basic services) |
N |
2022 |
N/A |
International Organization for Migration IASC MHPSS |
N/A |
Refugees from Ukraine |
Migrants/refugees/asylum seeker/internally displaced persons |
N/A |
N/A |
International Organization for Migration IASC MHPSS |
N/A |
Not Available |
N/A |
Google |
Community-Based Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergencies and Displacement, International Organization for Migration IASC MHPSS TWG- Ukraine response: Presentation given on Wednesday 27th April 2022. |
Information |
Poland |
19) MHPSS Service Mapping 2023 |
Lists organizations and key contact information for MHPSS services in the country |
Social Considerations in Basic Services and Security (including advocacy/awareness-raising for MHPSS in basic services) |
N |
2023 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Migrants/refugees/asylum seeker/internally displaced persons |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Not Available |
UNHCR: Natalia Prokopchuk, Senior Communications Officer, UNHCR Regional Bureau for Europe prokopch@unhcr.org |
Shared by HAIS |
Poland Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Technical Working Group. (2023). Poland MHPSS Service Mapping 2023. Accessed on June 15 2023 from https://data.unhcr.org/en/working-group/315?sv=54&geo=10781 |
Information |
Poland |
20) HIAS community-based mental health programs |
HIAS community-based mental health programs promote the well-being of individuals, families, and communities affected by crisis and conflict so they can heal and rebuild their lives.
HIAS Poland’s CB-MHPSS programs train community members to recognize acute psychological and emotional distress in refugee adults and children, and how to respond appropriately. Team of psychologists and community outreach workers collaborate with refugees to assess, design, and implement suitable and culturally appropriate interventions, such as education sessions that promote the development of healthy coping
HIAS Poland is focused on increasing the capacity of local partners in delivering safe mental health programs to affected populations by providing tailor-made training, exchanging best practices, and creating communities of practice. HIAS support community mental health by: Strengthening community-based care for individuals, families, and communities impacted by crisis and conflict; Building skills and competencies of key stakeholders to promote mental health and well-being; Contributing to research and learning about mental health in humanitarian settings. |
Education |
N |
2022 |
Ongoing |
HIAS Poland |
N/A |
individuals, families, and communities affected by crisis and conflict
displaced populations (women, children, the elderly, survivors of GBV, LGBTQ+ individuals, and people with disabilities) |
Crisis-affected populations |
Poland |
Yes |
Psychologists |
Mental Health professionals |
Bartosz Piechowicz
Olga Gajda
olga.gajda@hias.org |
Yes |
https://hias.org/where/poland/ |
Education |
Poland |
21) Mental health prevention program at school "I think positively" (Program Profilaktyki zdrowia psychicznego w szkole ,,Myślę pozytywnie") |
Mental Health preventionn program preparing schools and educational institutions to build mental health literacy for students |
Education |
Y |
2016 |
2020 |
Foundation "Institute of Positive Education" |
Foundation "Institute of Positive Education" |
teachers |
Children and parent/carers |
Poland |
https://archiwum-bip.men.gov.pl/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2019/07/profilaktyka-zdrowia-psychicznego_wersja-na-strone-www.pdf |
National Health Program - Ministry of Education |
Psychologists |
Mental Health professionals |
Małgorzata Nowicka, President of the Institute of Positive Education Foundation
Aleksandra Wzorek
ul. lebiodowa 11L,
04-674 Warszawa;
+48 667 886 380;
kontakt@instytutep.pl |
yes |
https://myslepozytywnie.pl/publikacje/Program%20profilaktyczny%20dla%20szkoly%20ponadpodstawowej.pdf |
Education |
Poland |
22) FreD goes net |
Substance Use Prevention Program
Increasing participants' knowledge about the harmful effects of using psychoactive substances and encouraging them to assess the individual risk of using psychoactive substances and, as a result, change their attitudes and behavior - limiting substance use or abstinence |
Education |
N |
2007 |
2010 |
National Office for Counteracting Drug Addiction |
National Office for Counteracting Drug Addiction |
Youth (14-21) |
Adolescents/Youth |
Poland |
Yes - 2010
FOGS – research institute |
Ministry of Health
Fund for Solving Gambling Problems |
Psychologists |
NGO and/or UN and/or Government |
Anna Radomska, Bartosz Kehl
kbpn@kbp.gov.pl ;
profilaktyka@kbpn.gov.pl |
Yes |
Education |
Poland |
23)Astra Zeneca Young Health Programme |
The goal of the programme is to support young people in Poland in developing greater mental health resilience. The programme also aims to strengthen the capacity of teachers, and enable them to provide mindfulness and well-being resources for young people at school, especially those from marginalised and refugee backgrounds.
YHP Poland focuses on supporting early prevention of mental health conditions among young people through education and training on mindfulness. Teachers from all over Poland will participate in mindfulness courses using a ‘teach the teacher’ approach. They will then apply their knowledge in the school environment by supporting young people to build their mental resilience and empower them to seek support when they need it. |
Education |
Y |
2022 |
2025 |
Astra Zeneca
Edumind Mindfulness in Education |
Astra Zeneca |
Youth (10-24)
Teachers |
Adolescents/Youth |
Poland |
https://www.yhp.astrazeneca.com/resources/programme-reports.html |
Astra Zeneca |
psychologists, mindfulness trainers & coaches |
Healthcare providers + others |
kontakt@fundacjaedumind.pl ; fundacja@szkolazklasa.org.pl ; ae.poland@astrazeneca.com |
Yes |
https://www.yhp.astrazeneca.com/resources/publications.html |
Education |
Poland |
24) Faces of Depression for Schools |
long-term support for teachers in dealing with students' mental health challenges, with specific focus on students from Ukraine |
Education |
Y |
2022 |
2023 |
Faces of Depression Foundation |
Faces of Depression Foundation |
Children (7-15) struggling with depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety disorders, sleep disorders, adaptation disorders, grief and loss |
Children and parent/carers |
Poland |
No data available |
Nationale Nederlanden |
psychotherapist |
Mental Health professionals |
Bożena Falkowska Maria Kocurowska
Anna Morawska-Borowiec
szkola@twarzedepresji.pl |
Yes |
https://twarzedepresji.pl/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/TD8-2022.pdf ; https://twarzedepresji.pl/nr-4-2021/ ; https://twarzedepresji.pl/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/TD-6-2022.pdf; https://twarzedepresji.pl/ksiazka-twarze-depresji/ |
Education |
Poland |
25) Guardians of Children's Smiles |
Supporting children's personal and social development, transitions, and developing and mastering specific pedagogical skills of adults supporting students emotional, social and academic outcomes. The aim of the program is to develop the following skills: social and emotional skills, conflict resolution, and relationships skills. |
Education |
Y |
2006 |
Ongoing |
Center for Positive Education |
Center for Positive Education |
Children (5 -10 years old) |
Children |
Gubin |
https://www.odn.zgora.pl/pdf/medioteka/dobrepraktyki/2014/gubin_usmiech_dzieci.pdf |
Center for Positive Education |
Pedagogists |
Mental Health professionals |
Barbara Chromińska – Woźniak
Jolanta Kanadys
info@pozytywnaedukacja.pl |
Yes |
https://www.odn.zgora.pl/pdf/medioteka/dobrepraktyki/2014/gubin_usmiech_dzieci.pdf |
Education |
Poland |
26) Social Pathology Prevention Program for Youth |
Prevention program for at-risk youth focused on changing self-perception, recognizing one's psychoemotional needs, increasing the ability of young people at risk of social maladjustment to meet their needs in a socially accepted way |
Education |
Y |
1994 |
until 2021, and from subsequent years under a different name |
Praesterno Foundation |
Praesterno Foundation |
At-risk Youth (13-19)
using drugs, risky behavior |
People who use drugs and family/carers |
Poland |
Yes |
Ministery of Health
Local Goverment (local)
National Health Program funded by the Fund for Solving Gambling Problems & National Bureau for Counteracting Drug Addiction |
pedagogist |
Mental health professionals + others |
webmaster@praesterno.pl ; biuro@praesterno.pl ; tel : 601 311 454 |
Yes |
https://myslepozytywnie.pl/publikacje/praktyki/Dobra%20praktyka%206%20program%20przeciwdzialania%20mlodziezowej%20patologii%20spolecznej.pdf |
Education |
Poland |
27) Archipelago of Treasures |
The goal of the program is to prevent various risky behaviors and problems among young people; the program is focused on decreasing the risk factors and strengthening the protective factors and to make young people reflect on important values and lifestyle. Activiites include reducing risky behaviors, such as alcohol and drug use, early sexual behavior, and peer violence. |
Education |
Y |
2006 |
2018 |
Institute of Integrated Prevention Foundation |
Institute of Integrated Prevention Foundation |
High school students |
Adolescents/Youth |
Poland |
https://www.profnet.org.pl/archipelag-skarbow-cz-ii/ |
Institute of Integrated Prevention Foundation |
all trainers have completed 220-250 hours of specialized training, including theoretical knowledge and intensive practice under the supervision of an instructor, ending with a theoretical and practical exam |
NGO and/or UN and/or Government |
biuro@ipzin.org ; 692822302 |
Yes |
https://ipzin.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Oferta_AS_dla-MOS_v2021.pdf |
Education |
Poland |
28) Home Detectives Jaś and Małgosia program on the trail |
The aim of the substance use prevention program is to delay the age at which children and adolescents start drinking alcohol. The program is also intended to reduce alcohol-related problems by strengthening the family environment, individual predispositions and the peer protective factors |
Education |
Y |
2000 |
Ongoing |
Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology in Warsaw |
Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology in Warsaw |
Children (10-11)
Parents |
Children |
Poland |
https://psychologia.edu.pl/czytelnia/50-artykuly/225-domowi-detektywi-ocena-realizacji-programu.html ; https://myslepozytywnie.pl/publikacje/praktyki/Dobra%20praktyka%204%20jas%20i%20malgosia.pdf |
Ministry of Education |
Educators |
School staff |
Youth Prevention Laboratory "Pro-M"
Department of Public Health, Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology
ul. Sobieskiego 9 02-957 Warszawa
Phone: 22 21 82 216 |
Yes |
Bobrowski K. (2001): Monitoring routine implementation of the alcohol prevention program "Home Detectives Program". Alcoholism and Drug Addiction, 14(4), 535-552. Bobrowski, K. (2004). Evaluation of delayed effects of the Home Detectives Program, measured four months after program completion. Alcoholism and Drug Addiction, vol. 18(1-2), 61-76. Ostaszewski K., Bobrowski K., Borucka A., Okulicz-Kozaryn K., Pisarska A. (2000). Home Detectives Program "Hansel and Gretel on the Trail". Świat Problemów, no. 9 (92), 23-26. Ostaszewski K., Bobrowski K., Borucka A., Okulicz-Kozaryn K., Pisarska A. (2000). Assessment of the effectiveness of the early alcohol prevention program "Program Domowych Detektywów" Alkoholizm i Narkomania, 13 (1), 83-103 Bobrowski K. J., Pisarska A., Ostaszewski K., Borucka A. (2014). The effectiveness of an alcohol prevention program for children on the threshold of adolescence, Psychiatria Polska, 48 (3): 527-539. |
Education |
Poland |
29) "Feniks: between yesterday and tomorrow" |
Comprehensive mental health services and supports for young adults and adults who experienced severe mental health challenges and have difficulties with coping with daily life challenges and maintaining healthy relationships with other people due to trauma (experiencing or witnessing physical, mental or sexual violence, experiencing relational trauma in childhood, experiencing secondary trauma in connection with providing assistance to victims of armed conflicts, pandemics, accidents, fires or chronically ill persons) |
Specialized Services (screening, diagnosis, treatment, referral) |
N |
2023 |
Ongoing |
Katharsis Greater Poland Mental Health Center |
Katharsis Greater Poland Mental Health Center |
Young adults & Adults who experienced trauma and their families |
Crisis-affected populations |
Poland |
Yes (in process) |
National Health Fund |
Medical doctors
Addiction therapists
Psychotherapists |
Healthcare providers |
Phone: 881551771
rejestracja@katharsis.poznan.pl |
Yes |
https://feniks.org.uk |
Treatment |
Poland |
30) Psychological and pedagogoical support program for students and teachers |
Research focused on improving in-depth diagnosis and strengthening the mental well-being of students and teachers impacted by COVID-19 |
Specialized Services (screening, diagnosis, treatment, referral) |
N |
2021 |
2022 |
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw; Ministry of Education and Science |
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw; Ministry of Education and Science |
Children and young people
Tteachers, school principals, parents and specialists (including educators, psychologists, therapists) |
Children and parent/carers |
Poland |
No data available |
Ministry of Education and Science under Agreement No. MEiN/2021/DPI/76 of June 1, 2021 |
Psychologists |
Mental Health professionals |
Phone: 22 569 68 60 |
Yes |
file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/Fidelus_2022-Model%20wsparcia.pdf |
Diagnosis |
Poland |
31) WHO Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP) |
WHO Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP) is an evidence-based approach to scaling up capacity and services for mental health conditions, under its National Health Programme.
The mhGAP programme will equip Polish General Practitioners with the knowledge and skills to recognize symptoms of common mental health conditions, such as depression, stress-related conditions, substance addiction and suicidal thoughts. Specialist training is intended to give them confidence to manage these conditions or, if appropriate, refer patients to psychologists and psychiatrists at community mental health centres. Integrating MH services into promary health care. |
Two or more categories (multi-layered interventions/programs) |
Y |
2018 |
Ongoing |
N/A |
General Practtioners |
Implementers/Providers (Receiving training) |
piloted in the Poldaskie and Mazovietskie regions |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Not Available |
N/A |
N/A |
https://www.who.int/teams/mental-health-and-substance-use/treatment-care/mental-health-gap-action-programme |
Diagnosis |
Poland |
32) Project Hope |
Project HOPE is a leading global health and humanitarian organization with over 65 years of experience transforming the health and well-being of communities around the world.. Project Hope is helping Ukrainian refugees access primary and mental health care in Polan. Project Hope is collaborating with local community organizations to support the Psychological support centers for refugees and migrants. Additional activities include: play, art therapy, and social activities |
Specialized Services (screening, diagnosis, treatment, referral) |
N |
2022 |
Ongoing |
University Children Hospital (UCH) in Kraków
Zustricz Foundation |
N/A |
Ukrainian refugees |
Migrants/refugees/asylum seeker/internally displaced persons |
Krakow |
N/A |
Project HOPE |
Psychologist |
Mental Health professionals |
1220 19th Street, NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20036
Telephone: 844-349-0188 |
yes |
https://www.projecthope.org/region/europe/poland/ |
Treatmenmt |
Poland |
33) Overtake
the sadness |
Preventive treatment of depression and of promotion of healthy attitudes towards mental health. Program is focused on Increasing the social awareness of the possibilities of early identification and prevention of depressive disorders, increasing the access to preventive treatment methods for the inhabitants of Lesser Poland by disseminating the information on the available medical services, such as: psychoeducation, psychological assistance, psychotherapy, psychiatric consultations, dietary and lifestyle counselling. |
Two or more categories (multi-layered interventions/programs) |
N |
2012 |
2017 |
Marshal’s Office
of the Lesser Poland Province
Dr. Józef Babiński Specialized Hospital in Cracow
Institute of Applied Psychology
of the Jagiellonian University
Polish Society for
Winida foundation project
"Peron 7F" |
N/A |
Adults with depression |
People with mental health problems and family/carers |
5 regions of Lesser Poland |
https://www.fundacjawinida.org/centrum-integracji.html |
province self-government |
Psychiatrists |
Healthcare providers |
https://www.fundacjawinida.org/kontakt.html |
yes |
http://www. profilaktykawmalopolsce.pl/depresja
https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.gov.pl/attachment/be7c7659-bcd9-4ca8-87a1-b6736453cb6a&ved=2ahUKEwiS_4e2wd6HAxXvF2IAHaJ-DhsQFnoECCYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3PKApcaOwOXCEME3AFm0br |
Treatement |
Poland |
34) Black waves (Czarne fale) |
“Black waves” educational programme aimed at preventing suicides. The objective of the programme is to prevent depression among young people learning in lower secondary schools, through education on the issues of symptoms of that illness and to develop rational attitudes of young people towards specialist assistance in cases of mental crises. |
Education |
N |
2015 |
Ongoing |
“Syntonia” Foundation of the 3rd Psychiatry Clinic |
N/A |
Children & Yoth (10-16) |
Adolescents/Youth |
other cities in Poland |
Yes |
Education Office of the capital city of Warsaw |
Psychologist |
Healthcare providers |
Syntonia Foundation |
Yes |
https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.gov.pl/attachment/be7c7659-bcd9-4ca8-87a1-b6736453cb6a&ved=2ahUKEwiS_4e2wd6HAxXvF2IAHaJ-DhsQFnoECCYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3PKApcaOwOXCEME3AFm0br |
Referral |
Ukraine |
1) Mental health services in Ukraine during the early phases of the 2022 Russian invasion |
Summarizes the status of mental health services in Ukraine during the early phases of the invasion |
Health |
N |
2023 |
Ongoing |
N/A |
Regulated |
without limits |
People with mental health problems |
national |
N/A |
N/A |
psychologists-consultants, social workers |
Mental Health professionals |
N/A |
Google |
Goto, R., Pinchuk, I., Kolodezhny, O., Pimenova, N., & Skokauskas, N. (2023). Mental health services in Ukraine during the early phases of the 2022 Russian invasion. The British Journal of Psychiatry,222(2), 82-87. doi:10.1192/bjp.2022.170 |
Ukraine |
2) Mental health and Psychosocial Support. Ukraine and Impacted Countries Emergency Appea |
Key facilitators for transitioning from institution-based to community-based mental health service delivery include; a clear vision for community-based care, investment in the mental health system, and mechanisms that allow health funding to follow the patient through the health systemGuidelines |
Specialized Services (screening, diagnosis, treatment, referral) |
N |
2022 |
Ongoing |
N/A |
without limits |
General Population |
national |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Mental health professionals + others |
N/A |
Google |
IFRC. Mental health and Psychosocial Support. Ukraine and Impacted Countries Emergency Appeal. (2022-2025). Accessed on June 9th 2023 at https://www.ifrc.org/sites/default/files/2022-12/20221212_UICC_MHPSS_MarketingDocument.pdf |
Ukraine |
3) Structuring sustainable financing for community based mental health services. |
This study sought to identify potential changes to the organization and financing of mental health services within the Ukrainian health system that would facilitate the delivery of mental health services in a community-based setting. The study found that Ukraine should adopt strategic purchasing mechanisms to address inefficiency in the financing of its mental health system, and prioritize collaborative planning and delivery of mental health services. |
Two or more categories (multi-layered interventions/programs) |
N |
2020 |
Ongoing |
N/A |
N/A |
without limits |
General Population |
national |
N/A |
N/A |
mental health services in the community |
Mental Health professionals |
N/A |
Peer reviewed: NCBI |
Quirke E, Suvalo O, Sukhovii O, Zöllner Y. Transitioning to community-based mental health service delivery: opportunities for Ukraine. J Mark Access Health Policy. 2020 Nov 12;8(1):1843288. doi: 10.1080/20016689.2020.1843288. PMID: 33235691; PMCID: PMC7671671. |
Ukraine |
4) SOS Children’s Villages |
Mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) has been a high priority in the emergency response of SOS Children’s Villages in Ukraine. For the past months, mobile teams of psychologists have reached more than 2,000 people in different parts of the country. Specialists have worked with children to teach them techniques that reduce stress, fear and anxiety. This summer, almost 2,000 children took part in therapeutic camps. SOS Children’s Villages in Ukraine and Poland have been working together in their emergency response. At first, the focus was on relocation assistance: providing transport, accommodation and basic necessities. Other interventions include: Theapeutic Camps; Group activities focused on overcoming the trauma of war; Social services centers across western and central Ukraine, daily care, counseling and other forms of individual support; Healing through movement (movement-based group activities for children and young people so they could get to know one another and take their minds off the situation in Ukraine, even for a moment. Physical activity plays a big role in protecting the mental well-being of children and caregivers. Children train in jiu-jitsu and play other sports that help them integrate and stabilize their emotions).
SOS Children’s Villages in Poland is working to create a network of mental health centers for Ukrainian refugees, in which they will have access to psychological and psychiatrist care, rehabilitation and therapy in their language. |
Non-focused Specialized Services (Individual, family, or group interventions including PFA, scalable psychological interventions, and basic MH care by primary health care workers) |
N |
N/A |
Ongoing |
N/A |
Regulated |
Children |
Adolescents/Youth |
national |
https://www.sos-childrensvillages.org/news/mhpss-ukraine-poland |
N/A |
psychologists-consultants, social workers |
Volunteers + others |
N/A |
Google |
https://www.sos-childrensvillages.org/news/mhpss-ukraine-poland |
Ukraine |
5) Mental Health Awareness Month |
During May, Mental Health Awareness Month will continue in Ukraine. It is coordinated within the All-Ukrainian mental health program "How are you?" initiated by First Lady Olena Zelenska.
The initiative aims to draw the attention of Ukrainians to the topic of preserving their own mental health. The main emphasis is on telling personal stories of Ukrainians, which are of great importance.
This initiative is joined by First Lady Olena Zelenska, the Global Platform of the Summit of First Ladies and Gentlemen, and the All-Ukrainian mental health program "How are you?". |
Non-focused Specialized Services (Individual, family, or group interventions including PFA, scalable psychological interventions, and basic MH care by primary health care workers) |
Y |
2024 |
Ongoing |
national psychological association |
Regulated |
all |
General Population |
national |
no |
N/A |
Coordination Center for Mental Health of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine |
Mental Health professionals |
https://howareu.com/materials/tsilova-model-systemy-u-sferi-pzpsp |
no |
https://minre.gov.ua/2024/05/01/v-ukrayini-rozpochavsya-misyacz-obiznanosti-pro-mentalne-zdorovya/ |
Ukraine |
6) Psychological assistance of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine |
A list of activities in the context of psychological assistance is posted on the website of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine |
Education |
Y |
2024 |
Ongoing |
Ministry of Education of Ukraine |
Regulated |
all |
Adolescents/Youth |
national |
no |
state |
Ministry of Education of Ukraine |
School staff + others |
N/A |
Google |
https://mon.gov.ua/tag/psikhologichna-dopomoga?&type=all&tag=%D0%9F%D1%81%D0%B8%D1%85%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B3%D1%96%D1%87%D0%BD%D0%B0%20%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%B0 |
Ukraine |
7) All-Ukrainian mental health program "How are you?" |
The All-Ukrainian mental health program was launched in March 2023 at the initiative of the First Lady of Ukraine, Olena Zelenska. The purpose of the program is to promote the formation of a culture of mental health care in society. |
Two or more categories (multi-layered interventions/programs) |
Y |
2023 |
Ongoing |
national psychological association |
Regulated |
all |
General Population |
national |
no |
N/A |
Coordination Center for Mental Health of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine |
Mental Health professionals |
https://howareu.com/ |
Google |
https://howareu.com/ |
Ukraine |
8) Electronic map of providers of medical care in the field of "Psychological and psychiatric care" |
The map of providers of psychological and psychiatric care" consists of one page, which contains information about providers of medical care in the direction of "Psychological and psychiatric care". The main data on the providers of medical care in the direction of "Psychological and psychiatric care" are presented in the form of a map with details by types of care.
The table below the map contains information about the community, the address, contacts (telephone) of the place of service provision, as well as the name of the package of services for the provision of which the provider has a contract with the National Health Service. The page also provides general information on: Number of providers;
Number of places of service provision; Number of doctors. |
Social Considerations in Basic Services and Security (including advocacy/awareness-raising for MHPSS in basic services) |
N |
N/A |
Ongoing |
Ministry of Health |
Regulated |
all |
General Population |
national |
no |
state |
Ministry of Health |
Mental Health professionals |
https://edata.e-health.gov.ua/e-data/dashboard/pmg-psychiatry |
Google |
https://edata.e-health.gov.ua/e-data/dashboard/pmg-psychiatry |
Ukraine |
9) The National Psychological Association Hotline |
Providing psychological support to individuals in need (telephone counseling) |
Non-focused Specialized Services (Individual, family, or group interventions including PFA, scalable psychological interventions, and basic MH care by primary health care workers) |
N |
N/A |
Ongoing |
The National Psychological Association Hotline |
Regulated |
all |
General Population |
national |
no |
N/A |
N/A |
Community |
https://moz.gov.ua/article/news/psihichne-zdorovʼja-ditini-de-shukati-dopomogi |
Google |
https://moz.gov.ua/article/news/psihichne-zdorovʼja-ditini-de-shukati-dopomogi |
Ukraine |
10) Project PORUCH |
a joint project of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and the NGO "Volunteer". The project includes online therapeutic support groups for teenagers. |
Specialized Services (screening, diagnosis, treatment, referral) |
N |
2022 |
Ongoing |
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, UNICEF, |
Regulated |
teenagers |
Adolescents/Youth |
national |
no |
N/A |
psychologists |
Community |
https://poruch.me/teenagers |
Google |
https://poruch.me/teenagers |
Ukraine |
11) Consultations from the "Teenergizer" movement |
A movement that unites teenagers from the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region. It offers the opportunity to sign up for free consultations from the project's psychologists and consultants. |
Protection |
Y |
N/A |
Ongoing |
N/A |
teenagers |
Children |
national |
no |
N/A |
psychologists |
Mental Health professionals |
https://teenergizer.org/consultations/ |
Google |
https://teenergizer.org/consultations/ |
Ukraine |
12) The National "Hotline" for Children and Youth by La Strada |
Children, teenagers, and students have the opportunity to receive anonymous and confidential support in any difficult life situations. |
Community and Family Supports (includes peer support groups, parenting programs, child friendly spaces, women/girls safe spaces) |
N |
N/A |
Ongoing |
Public human rights organization |
Regulated |
All |
Adolescents/Youth |
national |
N/A |
N/A |
psychologists |
Community |
https://moz.gov.ua/article/news/psihichne-zdorovʼja-ditini-de-shukati-dopomogi |
Google |
https://moz.gov.ua/article/news/psihichne-zdorovʼja-ditini-de-shukati-dopomogi |
Ukraine |
13) Project "Not a Trifle" |
A safe space for teenagers that provides free online consultations via a bot (with consultations provided by psychologists, not automated mechanisms). |
Non-focused Specialized Services (Individual, family, or group interventions including PFA, scalable psychological interventions, and basic MH care by primary health care workers) |
N |
2022 |
Ongoing |
Public organization |
N/A |
All |
Adolescents/Youth |
national |
N/A |
N/A |
psychologists |
Community |
https://www.notrivia.com.ua/ |
Google |
https://www.notrivia.com.ua/ |
Ukraine |
14) The Hotline by the "Voices of Children" Charitable Foundation |
A telephone support line for children and parents. In-person consultations are also available by appointment if the city is on the list. |
Non-focused Specialized Services (Individual, family, or group interventions including PFA, scalable psychological interventions, and basic MH care by primary health care workers) |
Y |
N/A |
Ongoing |
Public organization |
N/A |
All |
Children and parent/carers |
national |
https://voices.org.ua/zvity/ |
Charitable Organization |
psychologists, consultants, psychiatrists |
Community |
https://voices.org.ua/i-need-help/mental-help-for-kids/ |
Google |
https://voices.org.ua/i-need-help/mental-help-for-kids/ |
Ukraine |
15) The "Lifeline Ukraine" Suicide Prevention Hotline |
Suicide Prevention Hotline |
Specialized Services (screening, diagnosis, treatment, referral) |
N |
N/A |
Ongoing |
Ministry of Health |
Regulated |
All |
People with mental health problems |
national |
https://moz.gov.ua/article/news/psihichne-zdorovʼja-ditini-de-shukati-dopomogi |
state |
psychologists |
Mental Health professionals |
https://moz.gov.ua/article/news/psihichne-zdorovʼja-ditini-de-shukati-dopomogi |
Google |
https://moz.gov.ua/article/news/psihichne-zdorovʼja-ditini-de-shukati-dopomogi |
Ukraine |
A project created to support the reform of the mental health system in Ukraine. The project is implemented with the support of Switzerland, provided through the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), to support the reform of the mental health care system in Ukraine. MH4U embodies the approaches of the "Concept for the Development of Mental Health Care in Ukraine for the Period up to 2030," which envisions the creation of an integrated, effective mental health care system that operates within a unified interagency space, ensuring the improvement of quality of life and the protection of human rights and freedoms. |
Specialized Services (screening, diagnosis, treatment, referral) |
Y |
N/A |
Ongoing |
Public organization |
N/A |
All |
People with mental health problems |
national |
https://www.mh4u.in.ua/files/ |
N/A |
psychologists, consultants, psychiatrists |
Mental Health professionals |
https://www.mh4u.in.ua/about/ |
Google |
https://www.mh4u.in.ua/about/ |
Ukraine |
17) Organizing Veteran Peer Support Groups for Improved Psychosocial Support: Recommendations for Local Authorities and Community Leaders |
Aims to assist local self-government bodies (at the level of territorial communities) in organizing the creation of peer support groups for war veterans, individuals equated with them, and their family members, as well as the families of deceased defenders of Ukraine. |
Specialized Services (screening, diagnosis, treatment, referral) |
Y |
N/A |
Ongoing |
territorial communities |
Regulated |
war veterans |
General Population |
national |
https://www.mh4u.in.ua/files/ |
N/A |
psychologists, consultants, psychiatrists |
Mental Health professionals |
N/A |
Google |
https://www.mh4u.in.ua/files/ |
Ukraine |
18) Community Mental Health Service Assessment Guide |
The guide is developed to promote and support a sustainable culture of continuous quality improvement in the mental health services provided within communities in Ukraine. |
Education |
Y |
N/A |
Ongoing |
territorial communities |
Regulated |
All |
General Population |
territorial communities |
https://www.mh4u.in.ua/files/ |
N/A |
psychologists, psychotherapists, consultants, social workers |
Community |
https://www.mh4u.in.ua/files/ |
Google |
https://www.mh4u.in.ua/files/ |
Ukraine |
19) Assessment Guide for Providing Mental Health Services in Healthcare Institutions |
The guide is developed to promote and support a sustainable culture of continuous quality improvement in the mental health services provided within healthcare institutions in Ukraine. |
Health |
Y |
N/A |
Ongoing |
Ministry of Health |
Regulated |
All |
General Population |
territorial communities |
https://www.mh4u.in.ua/files/ |
N/A |
psychologists, psychotherapists, consultants, social workers |
Mental Health professionals |
N/A |
Google |
https://www.mh4u.in.ua/files/ |
Ukraine |
20) HCR-20 Violence Risk Assessment |
The Historical Clinical Risk 20 (HCR-20) is a structured clinical guide consisting of 20 items for assessing the risk of violence posed by psychiatric patients. It is designed for use by professionals in the fields of civil and criminal psychiatry and justice. |
Specialized Services (screening, diagnosis, treatment, referral) |
N |
N/A |
Ongoing |
N/A |
N/A |
All |
General Population |
national |
N/A |
N/A |
psychologists, psychotherapists |
Mental Health professionals |
N/A |
Google |
https://www.mh4u.in.ua/files/ |
Ukraine |
21) The Concept of a Mental Health-Sensitive School |
Child mental health is no less important than adult mental health and serves as both its foundation and a kind of training ground where self-care skills are developed. School, along with family, is the primary center of socialization for children. In fact, at school, the mental health of children and the entire school staff becomes most visible. The school environment can either support or hinder well-being. |
Education |
Y |
N/A |
Ongoing |
Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine |
Regulated |
school students |
Children |
national |
N/A |
N/A |
psychologists, psychotherapists |
School staff |
N/A |
Google |
https://www.mh4u.in.ua/files/ |
Ukraine |
22) Decentralisation and community stakeholders’ engagement for better mental health services development in the conflict-affected regions of Ukraine |
The purpose of this paper is to explore how conflict-affected communities in Ukraine (the Lugansk region) can develop sustainable mental health services in decentralised settings. The main interest focuses on community stakeholders’ perception of their problems and solutions that communities can create to achieve better mental health coverage. |
Community and Family Supports (includes peer support groups, parenting programs, child friendly spaces, women/girls safe spaces) |
N |
N/A |
Ongoing |
territorial communities |
Regulated |
N/A |
General Population |
national |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Community |
N/A |
Google |
https://www.mh4u.in.ua/files/ |
Ukraine |
23) First Psychological Aid for Youth: Peer-to-Peer Support |
This training on "First Psychological Aid (FPA) for Youth: Peer-to-Peer Support" is part of a package of materials developed by the MFTCHiCHP. These materials introduce youth to the concept of FPA and how it can be used to provide support to young people in various contexts. The "FPA for Youth" training can be conducted independently or as part of broader youth education and support initiatives. |
Non-focused Specialized Services (Individual, family, or group interventions including PFA, scalable psychological interventions, and basic MH care by primary health care workers) |
Y |
N/A |
Ongoing |
N/A |
N/A |
young |
General Population |
national |
N/A |
N/A |
psychologists, psychotherapists |
Mental Health professionals |
N/A |
Google |
https://www.mh4u.in.ua/files/ |
Ukraine |
24) Guide for Facilitating the Interactive Educational Exhibition "Mental Trek" |
Methodological Recommendations for Using an Interactive Educational Tool to Teach Youth Behavioral Rules that Help Them Care for Their Mental Well-being. |
Education |
Y |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
oll |
General Population |
national |
N/A |
N/A |
psychologists, psychotherapists |
Community |
N/A |
Google |
https://www.mh4u.in.ua/files/ |
Ukraine |
25) Project First Psychological Aid for Youth. Support Equals to Equals. |
Training in First Psychological Aid (FPA) for youth promotes the development of caregiving skills, empathy as a listener, and providing practical assistance to individuals without making them dependent on you. It emphasizes the importance of self-care skills as well. |
Non-focused Specialized Services (Individual, family, or group interventions including PFA, scalable psychological interventions, and basic MH care by primary health care workers) |
Y |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
young |
Adolescents/Youth |
national |
N/A |
N/A |
psychologists, psychotherapists |
Mental Health professionals |
N/A |
Google |
https://www.mh4u.in.ua/files/persha-psyhologichna-dopomoga-dlya-molodi-pidtrymka-rivnyj-rivnomu/ |
Ukraine |
26) Project Implementation of the national mental health policy in conflict-affected regions: towards better social inclusion (example from Ukraine). |
The current armed conflict in Ukraine has had a wide range of consequences on the health, social, and economic status of the civilian population. It has exacerbated the need for a comprehensive and sustainable reform of the Ukrainian mental health care system. The Government of Ukraine has approved the concept of a national reform of the mental health care system. This study aims to leverage the experience of mental health care system reforms in other conflict-affected regions to identify priority areas for implementing national mental health policy in the corresponding regions of Ukraine, specifically aiming to improve social inclusion of people with mental disorders in Donetsk and Luhansk regions directly affected by the armed conflict. |
Community and Family Supports (includes peer support groups, parenting programs, child friendly spaces, women/girls safe spaces) |
Y |
N/A |
Ongoing |
N/A |
N/A |
young |
Crisis-affected populations |
national |
N/A |
N/A |
psychologists, psychotherapists |
Mental Health professionals |
N/A |
Google |
https://www.mh4u.in.ua/files/ |
Ukraine |
27) Universal Mental Health Training |
The Universal Mental Health Training (UMHT) is designed to educate frontline professionals. These professionals include police officers, emergency service workers, social service providers, employment center staff, educators, and staff at recreational facilities for children and adults, as well as pharmacists and clergy. The UMHT aims to raise awareness among frontline professionals about mental health and disorders. During the training, participants become familiar with the subject and develop skills in recognizing, supporting, and referring individuals with various mental disorders, especially those in acute conditions. |
Two or more categories (multi-layered interventions/programs) |
Y |
N/A |
Ongoing |
N/A |
N/A |
Adults |
General Population |
national |
N/A |
N/A |
psychologists, psychotherapists, coach, co-coach |
Mental Health professionals |
N/A |
yes |
https://www.mh4u.in.ua/files/ |
Ukraine |
The ecosystem of psychological support in education provides educators, school psychologists, students, and their parents with the opportunity to acquire skills for free: first psychological aid, stress management, and supervision from clinical psychologists. |
Education |
Y |
N/A |
Ongoing |
N/A |
N/A |
school students |
Children |
national |
N/A |
N/A |
psychologists, psychotherapists |
School staff |
N/A |
no |
https://www.mentalhelp.in.ua/ |
Ukraine |
29) feniks_ukraine |
short-term crisis counseling based on a trauma-informed approach |
Specialized Services (screening, diagnosis, treatment, referral) |
Y |
N/A |
Ongoing |
Public organization |
implementing agency |
Volunteers, activists who help victims of the war in Ukraine and participate in civil society organizations |
General Population |
N/A |
no |
N/A |
an international team of psychologists and trauma therapists |
Mental Health professionals |
https://www.instagram.com/feniks_ukraine?igsh=MXRyajhxc3A2enpmbw== |
no |
Ukraine |
30) Zhytomyr City Sustainability Center |
A specialized barrier-free facility aimed at supporting psycho-emotional health in war conditions |
Specialized Services (screening, diagnosis, treatment, referral) |
Y |
2024 |
Ongoing |
Community center |
implementing agency |
wide scope of application |
General Population |
wide scope of application |
no |
N/A |
psychologists, psychotherapists, consultants, social workers |
Community |
https://www.facebook.com/center.zhytomyr |
no |
Ukraine |
31) Community based mental health interventions summarized in operational roadmap |
4Ws (Who is Doing What, Where and When) mapping of MHPSS services provided by partners to facilitate coordination and referral pathways. Tracking and provision of basic needs (e.g. water, food, protective equipment, first aid supplies, blankets, clothing) and medications for psychiatric and social care facilities, with evacuation of residents where indicated other basic services and security interventions (e.g. provision of information; inclusion of communities in emergency response planning, implementation, M&E; monitoring of human rights for people living with mental health conditions). iSupport for Dementia (31) for carers of people with dementia (translation of the package has been initiated) mhGAP training (with a blend of mhGAP-IG and mhGAP-HIG) for primary health care workers for identification and management of common (including stress-related) mental health conditions. Common Elements Treatment Approach (CETA) – a modular, multiproblem, flexible, transdiagnostic approach, based on task- sharing by providers with minimal or no formal mental health training. Thinking Healthy to reduce prenatal depression following a series of pilot projects led by WHO in 2015–2021, the Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) service was introduced by the MOH as part of the State Programme of Medical Guarantees, and has been reimbursed by the NHSU since July 2021. Cognitive behavioural therapy and its modifications (including trauma-focused CBT) provided by trained therapists for adults and children experiencing depression, anxiety, phobias, sleep disorders, PTSD, developmental problems and other mental health conditions. Provides a summary of best practices for scaling up mental health and psychosocial services as per situation in Ukraine. |
Specialized Services (screening, diagnosis, treatment, referral) |
N |
2022 |
N/A |
Government of Ukraine |
N/A |
N/A |
General Population |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Community |
N/A |
Google |
WHO. Ukraine prioritized multisectoral mental health and psychosocial support actions during and after the war: Operational Road map. Open Document. Published Dec 9 2022. |
Ukraine |
32) Scaling-up mental health and psychosocial services in war-affected regions |
Provides an overview of mental health services that existed during the early days of the Ukraine war. |
Two or more categories (multi-layered interventions/programs) |
N |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
General Population |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Healthcare providers + others |
N/A |
Google |
World Health Organization. (n.d.). Scaling-up mental health and psychosocial services in war-affected regions: Best practices from Ukraine. World Health Organization. https://www.who.int/news-room/feature-stories/detail/scaling-up-mental-health-and-psychosocial-services-in-war-affected-regions--best-practices-from-ukraine |
Ukraine |
33) Polissky Hub of Restoration and Art Therapy |
https://www.zhytomyr.city/na-bazi-botanichnogo-sadu-imeni-geroyiv-desantnykiv-diye-poliskyj-hab-vidnovlennya-ta-art-terapiyi/ |
Two or more categories (multi-layered interventions/programs) |
Y |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
General Population |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Mental Health professionals |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Ukraine |
34) Strong Resilient Youth |
https://www.societyforall.cz/o-nas?intl=en-gb |
Education |
Y |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Adolescents/Youth |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Mental Health professionals |
N/A |
N/A |
https://www.strongresilientyouth.org |
Moldova |
1) Keystone Human Services Moldova |
Keystone Moldova promotes social inclusion, emphasizing full participation in the community. Taking a rights-based approach, Keystone Moldova partners with national and local governments and advocates to reform and develop the framework for the social protection system and sustainable community-based services. With special expertise in successful deinstitutionalization and service development, Keystone Moldova consults with countries and NGOs around the world. To support inclusion, we provide individualized, person-directed support for each person. We offer a broad array of services in the areas of intellectual disabilities, mental health, and autism, as well as Head Start services through Capital Area Head Start and assistance dogs through Susquehanna Service Dogs. We offer technical assistance to governments, regulators, and other organizations, and provide educational opportunities to promote inclusion everywhere. |
Two or more categories (multi-layered interventions/programs) |
Y |
2008 |
ongoing |
Keystone Human Services Moldova |
N/A |
People with disabilities |
People with mental health problems and family/carers |
Moldova |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Mental health professionals + others |
Sanduta lilian slil28@yahoo.com |
no |
https://www.khs.org/where-we-are/moldova/ |
Education |
Moldova |
2) Community based psychiatric care for children with disabilities |
Move to end the institutionalization of children with mental disabilities and establish models for community based services that will ultimately replace instituations. |
Two or more categories (multi-layered interventions/programs) |
Y |
2008 |
4 year collaboration |
Ministry of Social Protection, Family and Child; Open Society Mental Health Initiative; Soros Foundation; Hope and Homes for Children; Keystone |
N/A |
Children |
Children |
Moldova |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NGO and/or UN and/or Government |
Lucia Gavrilita, lucia.gavrilita@mpsfc.gov.md, +373 22 737572; Raluca Bunea, rbunea@osi.hu, +36 1 327 3100; Liliana Gherman, lgherman@soros.md, +373 22 270031; Charles Hooker, chooker@keystonehumanservices.org, +1 717 232 7509 |
Google |
Moldova moves to protect the rights of people with mental disabilities. Open Society Foundations. (n.d.). https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/newsroom/moldova-moves-protect-rights-people-mental-disabilities |
Referral |
Moldova |
3) Transitioning to community based mental health care |
The following interventions were implemented in two phases as part of the 2014-2018 National Mental Health reform. Outcome 1: Phase 1- People with mental health issues have access to a comprehensive network of good quality mental health and social community-based services in 4 pilot raions. Phase 2- A country-wide network of integrated community-based services for mental health that ensures equitable access to quality and affordable care, responsive to user needs. Outcome 2: Phase 1- Decision-makers at the national and local level create an enabling policy environment for the model of care to be implemented, Phase 2- People across Moldova are more aware of the importance of their own and others’ mental health, improve their mental healthcare-seeking behavior, and support the social inclusion/recovery of people with mental health problems. Outcome 3: Community members in 4 pilot raions are supportive of the re-integration of people with mental health issues back into the community. |
Two or more categories (multi-layered interventions/programs) |
Y |
2019 (policy put in place 2014) |
ongoing |
Government of Moldova |
N/A |
All |
People with mental health problems and family/carers |
All, though initial pilot was in 4 districts |
N/A |
Initial policy reform was funded by SDC and implemented by a project, now government-led |
family doctors and nurses were trained in taking on responsibilities for identification and treatment of mild and mild to moderate mental health problems. Multidisciplinary community mental health teams (consisting of psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers and nurses) were set-up and trained in providing specialised outpatient mental health care (including home visits) for moderate and severe mental illness at CMHCs. |
NGO and/or UN and/or Government |
N/A |
Google |
Petrea, I., Shields-Zeeman, L., Keet, R., Nica, R., Kraan, K., Chihai, J., Condrat, V., & Curocichin, G. (2020). Mental health system reform in Moldova: Description of the program and reflections on its implementation between 2014 and 2019. Health Policy, 124(1), 83–88. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthpol.2019.11.007 |
Treatment |
Moldova |
4) Community based mental health clinics |
Provides an overview of the policy supporting the 5 community based mental health clinics in Moldova and a description of their oversight. Services range from rehabilitation services, programs deviating from the traditional hospital system, outpatient teams, supervised therapy services, home help services, and community services for victims of trauma, children, adolescents and the elderly |
Two or more categories (multi-layered interventions/programs) |
Y |
2023 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
People with mental health problems |
Moldova |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NGO and/or UN and/or Government |
N/A |
Google |
Chihai, J., Boderscova, L. Community Mental Health Services in the Republic of Moldova Assessment Report. Accessed on June 12, 2023 on https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjlv7rqtL3_AhVpMlkFHQxVAoY4HhAWegQIDBAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.somato.md%2Freports%2Fdownload%2Fcommunity-mhs-in-md-engl-&usg=AOvVaw2HGySb2C_tpU4uQvzFSSGp |
Mental health screening |
Moldova |
5) Community based mental health centers to support children with disabilities |
Several community based interventions implemented. These aimed at improving the capacity of local authorities to support children with disabilities in accesisng quality mainstream education in their communities; and accelerating the decentralization of the psychiatric care; and development of community based mental health centers across the country to enable persons with psychosocial or intellectual disabilities live independently in the community. |
Two or more categories (multi-layered interventions/programs) |
Y |
2021 |
N/A |
UN |
N/A |
N/A |
Children and parent/carers |
Moldova |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NGO and/or UN and/or Government |
N/A |
Google |
UN Partnership on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Moldova end of Project Report - unprpd.org. (n.d.). https://unprpd.org/sites/default/files/2021-12/country_docs/Moldova_End_of_Project_Report_Phase_I.pdf |
Referral |
Moldova |
6) Telehealth servics for Ukranian refugees. |
Telehealth services for Ukrainian refugees in Moldova |
Non-focused Specialized Services (Individual, family, or group interventions including PFA, scalable psychological interventions, and basic MH care by primary health care workers) |
N |
2022 (the platform was established in 2019 but opened to refugees after the war started) |
ongoing |
United Nations Development Program (UNDP) |
N/A |
Ukrainian refugees |
Migrants/refugees/asylum seeker/internally displaced persons |
Moldova |
N/A |
EU-funded Confidence Building Measures Programme implemented by UNDP. |
Telehealth services are provided by family doctor, cardiologist, endocrinologist, surgeon, psychologist, dermatologist, and nurses |
Healthcare providers + others |
N/A |
Google |
United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Telehealth for Refugees, a lifeline service in Moldova: United Nations Development Programme. UNDP. (2022, July 14). https://www.undp.org/moldova/news/telehealth-refugees-lifeline-service-moldova |
Treatment |
Moldova |
7) Cross border cooperation and research through interdisciplinary approach of genesis, clinical manifestations and therapeutical/preventional aspects of oral/written language specific disorders and development of innovative method of intervention in the cross border area – CER-DIS |
The project is one that has an important innovation-research component and lasts 18 months.
The general objective of the project is to improve ways of identification, diagnosis and early intervention for children with reading and speaking disorders in Galati, Iasi, Chisinau and Balti.
This will be achieved through the development within the project of a methodology of early diagnosis and integrated therapeutic intervention for a minimum of 200 children (preschoolers and at the beginning of schooling) who have writing / reading / speaking disorders.
The project will also conduct research based on the use of a device used for early identification and integrated therapy of speech and reading disorders (this device is already patented by a patent belonging to the President of Helicomed) and 23 such of devices will be produced within the project and will enter the endowment of the institutions where the 20 specialists who will participate in the training courses and will test / implement the new methodology, effectively working with children with disabilities / speech disorders. |
Non-focused Specialized Services (Individual, family, or group interventions including PFA, scalable psychological interventions, and basic MH care by primary health care workers) |
Y |
2021 |
2023 |
Somato |
N/A |
N/A |
Children and parent/carers |
Chisinau, Galati, Iasi, Balti |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Mental health professionals + others |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Diagnosis |
Moldova |
8) Mental Health and Psycho-Social Support for refugees from Ukraine |
More than 120 refugees from Ukraine children and their caregivers received psycho-social support through individual counselling and group meetings |
Community and Family Supports (includes peer support groups, parenting programs, child friendly spaces, women/girls safe spaces) |
N |
N/A |
N/A |
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification in Moldova |
N/A |
N/A |
Migrants/refugees/asylum seeker/internally displaced persons |
Republic of Moldova |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NGO and/or UN and/or Government |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Treatment |
Moldova |
9) Civil society contributes to the inclusive and sustainable economic development of the country |
The project is focus on emporwered and support people with psychosocial disabilities to get empoyed. The project last for 20 months. The aim and objectives of the project are:
Facilitating the employment of people with psychosocial disabilities through the development and implementation of the program of individual support and placement in the field of work (IPS).
Project objectives:
1. Facilitating the training and employment of representatives of vulnerable groups on both banks of the Dniester;
2. Supporting 4 Territorial Employment Agencies by providing services adapted to people with psychosocial disabilities. |
Community and Family Supports (includes peer support groups, parenting programs, child friendly spaces, women/girls safe spaces) |
Y |
2022 |
2024 |
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification in Moldova |
N/A |
N/A |
People with mental health problems and family/carers |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NGO and/or UN and/or Government |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Referral |
Moldova |
10) FEDRA - Advocacy and promotion of the development of intervention services for people with ASD in Moldova |
The public association "Federation for the Rights and Resources of Persons with Autism Spectrum Disorders from the Republic of Moldova" (FEDRA) is a non-governmental, non-political, non-profit public association, established through the free expression of the will of the associated persons, in order to jointly achieve the proposed goals. The major goal, for which the Association is established and carries out its activity, is: Creating and developing a favorable environment for people with autism spectrum disorders and their families.
At the moment, in order to achieve the stated goal, 15 member organizations, founded by parents, but also specialists who provide services, at least tangentially, to several hundred beneficiaries with autism, work side by side within FEDRA in the Republic of Moldova. |
Community and Family Supports (includes peer support groups, parenting programs, child friendly spaces, women/girls safe spaces) |
Y |
2018 |
2018 |
IM Swedish Development Partner, SOS Autism |
N/A |
N/A |
People with mental health problems and family/carers |
Republic of Moldova |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NGO and/or UN and/or Government |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Education |
Moldova |
11) Better conditions for people with autism |
The main objective of the project was to improve the quality and accessibility of services offered to autistic children and their parents. There are not many of these children in Moldova, so people tend to overlook the problem. But of course the problem exists and the state has not been providing any services at all. |
Non-focused Specialized Services (Individual, family, or group interventions including PFA, scalable psychological interventions, and basic MH care by primary health care workers) |
Y |
2018-2019 |
N/A |
Slovak Agency for Cooperation and Development, SOS Autism |
N/A |
N/A |
Children and parent/carers |
Moldova |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NGO and/or UN and/or Government |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Treatment |
Moldova |
12) Access to professional services for autistic/disadvantaged youth in Moldova |
The goal of the project is to facilitate the social and professional inclusion of disadvantaged young people, including those with autism from the Republic of Moldova during the implementation of the project by creating and equipping the vocational workshop for candle making and pottery. The funding for this initiative is provided by Sweden. |
Community and Family Supports (includes peer support groups, parenting programs, child friendly spaces, women/girls safe spaces) |
Y |
2020 |
N/A |
East European Foundation, SOS Autism |
N/A |
N/A |
Adolescents/Youth |
Moldova |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NGO and/or UN and/or Government |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Referral |
Moldova |
13) Help for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other genetic disorders in Moldova |
In 2016, 366 people with autism were registered in Moldova, 349 of them were children. But real numbers are much higher because the awareness of autism is generally low; there is only a limited diagnostic capacity in the area of genetic disorders and a lack of experts and specialized medical facilities. Some patients are not treated in time and in an appropriate manner, which leads to deterioration of their state of health. The project reacts to those problems by providing support for the sustainability of institutions that are committed to the issue of autism spectrum disorders and improving the availability of specialized services and their quality. The project also targets at raising the quality and availability of support and care for guardians of those children, whether with autism spectrum disorders or other genetic disorders. It provides direct help to children and their families, helps improve correct diagnostics of genetic diseases and pursues activities targeted at relevant institutions and legislation. Several local non-profit organizations, grouped in an association, participate in the implementation. |
Two or more categories (multi-layered interventions/programs) |
Y |
2018-2021 |
N/A |
ADRA Cehia, SOS Autism |
N/A |
N/A |
Children and parent/carers |
Moldova |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NGO and/or UN and/or Government |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Diagnosis |
Moldova |
14) Empowerment and exchange of experience in the field of autism on both banks of the Dniester |
The project aims to enhance the capacity and expertise of professionals and caregivers involved in autism care on both banks of the Dniester River. By fostering collaboration and the exchange of experience between Moldova and the Transnistrian region, the project seeks to empower local organizations, specialists, and families dealing with autism spectrum disorders. Key activities include organizing workshops, training sessions, and conferences to share best practices in autism care, promoting the use of innovative diagnostic tools and therapeutic approaches, and providing direct support to families and institutions. |
Two or more categories (multi-layered interventions/programs) |
Y |
2019-2021 |
N/A |
UNDP, SOS Autism |
N/A |
N/A |
Implementers/Providers (Receiving training) |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Mental health professionals + others |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Education |
Moldova |
15) Development of professional skills among adolescents with autism in Moldova |
The project aims to enhance the professional skills and employability of adolescents with autism in Moldova by providing tailored training and support. This initiative focuses on developing practical job skills, promoting social inclusion, and fostering independence among young people with autism. Key activities include vocational training workshops, on-the-job coaching, mentorship programs, and collaboration with local businesses to create internship and employment opportunities. |
Community and Family Supports (includes peer support groups, parenting programs, child friendly spaces, women/girls safe spaces) |
Y |
2021 |
N/A |
MINTA, SOS Autism |
N/A |
N/A |
Adolescents/Youth |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NGO and/or UN and/or Government |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Referral |
Moldova |
16) Access of people with autism and other disabilities in Moldova to social services |
The project aims to increase the quality and availability of social services provided to children and adults with autism and other disabilities, including their families and caretakers through developing a mechanism for contracting, funding and accrediting social services in the sector. |
Two or more categories (multi-layered interventions/programs) |
Y |
2021-2022 |
N/A |
GIZ Moldova, SOS Autism |
N/A |
N/A |
Children and parent/carers |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NGO and/or UN and/or Government |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Referral |
Moldova |
17) Equal opportunities for social life for young people with autism and rare genetic diseases |
The project aims to create equal opportunities for young people with autism and rare genetic diseases to fully participate in social life. By promoting inclusivity, understanding, and support, the project seeks to improve their quality of life and integration into the community. Key activities include organizing social events, recreational activities, and peer-support groups designed to encourage social interaction, build friendships, and enhance social skills. |
Community and Family Supports (includes peer support groups, parenting programs, child friendly spaces, women/girls safe spaces) |
Y |
2021-2023 |
N/A |
SOROS Foundation Moldova, SOS Autism |
N/A |
N/A |
Adolescents/Youth |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NGO and/or UN and/or Government |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Education |
Moldova |
18) Help for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other genetic disorders in Moldova, II |
Among other objectives, the project aims to identify the needs and shortcomings in the legislative framework regarding autism and rare genetic disorders. Also, various diagnostic tests will be bought, specialists will be trained, and two new SOS Autism centers will be opened in Balti and Comrat, announced Aliona Dumitraș, executive director of the SOS Autism. |
Two or more categories (multi-layered interventions/programs) |
Y |
2022-2024 |
N/A |
ADRA Cehia, SOS Autism |
N/A |
N/A |
Children and parent/carers |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NGO and/or UN and/or Government |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Diagnosis |
Moldova |
19) ASD The Epidemic of the 21st Century |
Increasing access to services for people with autism spectrum and genetic disorders in Moldova by improving the legislativeframework and creating a study on the real number of people with ASD in Moldova, training psycho-educational staff in the evaluation and recognition of children with ASD |
Two or more categories (multi-layered interventions/programs) |
Y |
2023 |
N/A |
ADRA Cehia, SOS Autism |
N/A |
N/A |
People with mental health problems |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NGO and/or UN and/or Government |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Mental health screening |
Moldova |
20) Large-scale implementation of Community based mental health care for people with severe
and enduring mental ill health in Europe. RECOVER-E |
Project HORIZON 2020: Call/Topic: Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD) prevention and management of mental disorders |
Two or more categories (multi-layered interventions/programs) |
Y |
2018 |
N/A |
- Society of Psychiatrists, Narcologists, Psychotherapists and Clinical
Psychologists from Republic of Moldova |
N/A |
N/A |
General Population |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NGO and/or UN and/or Government |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Treatment |
Moldova |
21) Blue Dot |
"Blue Dots are support hubs that bring together critical protection services and information for refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine, with a particular focus on children and those at greatest risk. These include unaccompanied and separated children, persons with disabilities, cases of suspected trafficking, survivors of sexual or gender-based violence and refugees from the LGBTIQ+ community. Established by UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency and UNICEF, the UN Children’s Fund, together with local authorities and partners along the major crossing points and transit routes, Blue Dots provide a safe space, support and referrals for health care, education, psychosocial support and more.
The hubs offer: mental health services, social support, legal aid, administrative support, referrals to specialized services, weekly stress relief sessions, individual counselling sessions, and art therapy groups, training and guidance on specific groups of refugees, including survivors of violence, women and girls at risk, and unaccompanied or separated children. " |
Two or more categories (multi-layered interventions/programs) |
N |
2022 |
Ongoing |
N/A |
Refugees from Ukraine |
Migrants/refugees/asylum seeker/internally displaced persons |
N/A |
N/A |
Psychologists |
NGO and/or UN and/or Government |
Le Roi Business Centre, str. Sfatul Tarii 29, MD-2012 Chisinau, Moldova
Email: mdach@unhcr.org |
yes |
https://www.unhcr.org/countries/republic-moldova |
Referral |
Romania |
1) Titan Community Mental Health Center |
Community MH Center provides medical services, counseling, case management, information, advocacy, psychotherapy, occupational therapy, and legal assistance |
Two or more categories (multi-layered interventions/programs) |
N |
2005 |
Ministry of Health |
N/A |
N/A |
People with mental health problems and family/carers |
N/A |
N/A |
Ministry of Health |
Psychiatrist |
Mental health professionals + others |
N/A |
Yes |
Andronic AO, Andronic RL. Community-based mental health services in Romania. Sci Res Educ AIR FORCE. 2017 Jul 31;19(2):19–22 |
Treatment |
Romania |
2) SEE Mental Health Project (transitioning from hospital-based care to community-based services) |
The SEE Mental Health Project (“Enhancing Social Cohesion through strengthening Community Mental Health Services in Southeastern Europe”) was a project carried out by the WHO between 2002 and 2008. The aims of the project were to ensure that mental health policies and legislations were in line with European Community standards and to implement programs concerning mental health that addressed the needs of patients within their community. |
Two or more categories (multi-layered interventions/programs) |
Y |
2002 |
30 June 1905 |
N/A |
N/A |
People with mental health problems and family/carers |
N/A |
Yes |
N/A |
N/A |
NGO and/or UN and/or Government |
N/A |
Yes |
Priebe S, Matanov A, Demi N, Simic J, Jovanovic S, Gajic M, Radonic E, Bajraktarov S, Boderscova L, Konatar M, Nica R, Muijen M. Community Mental Health Centres Initiated by the South-Eastern Europe Stability Pact: Evaluation in Seven Countries. Community mental health journal. 2011:48:352–362. 10.1007/s10597-011-9417-6
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC11262102/ |
Education |
Romania |
2) Horizons” project (transitioning from hospital-based care to community-based services) |
“Horizons” project aim was to support mentally ill people in regaining self-confidence and acquiring skills that enable them to lead active and independent lives. The objectives of the project were to inform and educate mental health patients about the issues they are facing, to use occupational therapy to teach skills, to raise awareness within the community about mental health issues, and to aid in the social and professional reinsertion of mental health patients. To achieve these goals, the foundation has created workshops in domains such as health, education, pottery, weaving, iconography, gastronomy, tailoring, and computer science, among others. Furthermore, the project offered protected living spaces for patients and was involved in fighting stigma. |
Two or more categories (multi-layered interventions/programs) |
Y |
N/A |
N/A |
Orizont Foundation |
N/A |
N/A |
People with mental health problems and family/carers |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Mental health professionals + others |
N/A |
Yes |
Paziuc A, Marginean R, Marginean O, Ciupercovici A, Tanasan G. A Practical Guide for the Development of Community Assistance Services for People with Mental Health Problems in Small Towns and Rural Communities. Musatinii, 2009.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC11262102/ |
Education |
Romania |
3) RECOVER-E project
(transitioning from hospital-based care to community-based services) |
The aim of the project was to train CMHTs to provide evidence-based mental care services within the community. Each CMHT includes a psychiatrist, a psychologist, a social worker and a nurse. CMHTs provide outreach and long-term care to people with severe mental health conditions in the community and support them to achieve recovery. |
Non-focused Specialized Services (Individual, family, or group interventions including PFA, scalable psychological interventions, and basic MH care by primary health care workers) |
Y |
2018 |
2021 |
Trimbos Institute (RECOVER-E) |
-Stichting Trimbos Institute
-Netherlands Institute of Mental Health and Addiction
In Romania:
-Romanian League for Mental Health Association
-Chronicis Siret Psychiatric Hospital |
People with mental disorders from Europe |
People with mental health problems |
Macedonia, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, and Montenegro |
Roth C, Wensing M, Kuzman MR, Bjedov S, Medved S, Istvanovic A, Grbic DS, Simetin IP, Tomcuk A, Dedovic J, Djurisic T, Nica RI, Rotaru T, Novotni A, Bajraktarov S, Milutinovic M, Nakov V, Zarkov Z, Dinolova R, Walters BH, Shields-Zeeman L, Petrea I. Experiences of healthcare staff providing community-based mental healthcare as a multidisciplinary community mental health team in Central and Eastern Europe findings from the RECOVER-E project: an observational intervention study. BMC Psychiatry. 2021 Oct 24;21(1):525. doi: 10.1186/s12888-021-03542-2 |
RIA - Research and Innovation action |
psychiatrists, nurses, case managers |
Mental health professionals + others |
https://www.trimbos.nl/contact/ |
Peer reviewed: Google search |
Roth C, Wensing M, Koetsenruijter J, Istvanovic A, Novotni A, Tomcuk A, Dedovic J, Djurisic T, Milutinovic M, Kuzman MR, Nica R, Bjedov S, Medved S, Rotaru T, Hipple Walters B, Petrea I, Shields-Zeeman L. Perceived Support for Recovery and Level of Functioning Among People With Severe Mental Illness in Central and Eastern Europe: An Observational Study. Front Psychiatry. 2021 Sep 21;12:732111. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.732111
Shields-Zeeman, L. et al. Towards community based and recovery-oriented care for severe mental disorders in Southern and Eastern Europe: aims and deisgn of a multi-country implmenetation and evaluation study. (2020). BMC |
Treatment |
Romania |
4) TREPTE Center |
Day care service that offered services such as psychological evaluations, education groups for patients and their families, health education, individual and group psychotherapy sessions, as well as activities that trained social and practical abilities, self-help groups, and recreational activities |
Non-focused Specialized Services (Individual, family, or group interventions including PFA, scalable psychological interventions, and basic MH care by primary health care workers) |
Y |
N/A |
N/A |
Alexandru Obregia” Psychiatric Hospital |
N/A |
N/A |
People with mental health problems and family/carers |
Day Care |
N/A |
Romanian Association of Community Psychiatry |
N/A |
Mental health professionals + others |
N/A |
Yes |
Romanian Association for Community Psychiatry. Trepte/ARPC [cited 15 Mar 2022]. Available from: http://psihiatriecomunitara.ro/wp/trepte/ |
Treatment |
Romania |
5) Twinning light PHARE project |
Action Plan for the implementation of the Mental Health Policy included:
- The approval of the “Action Plan for the implementation of the Mental Health Policy
of the Romanian Ministry of Health”
- The establishment, organization and functioning of Mental Health Centers (MHC)
- The establishment and functioning of the National Mental Health Center as a
department of the National Public Health School (SNSPMPDS)
- The implementation of regulations and procedures for the mental health law |
Two or more categories (multi-layered interventions/programs) |
Y |
N/A |
2006 |
EU/Ministry of Health |
Ministry of Health |
N/A |
General Population |
N/A |
N/A |
EU |
N/A |
NGO and/or UN and/or Government |
N/A |
Yes |
https://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/11424#t=aboutBook |
Referral |
Romania |
6) PHARE Project |
Development of community mental health services |
Two or more categories (multi-layered interventions/programs) |
Y |
2006 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
People with mental health problems and family/carers |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NGO and/or UN and/or Government |
N/A |
Yes |
N/A |
Treatment |
Romania |
7) National Mental Health Center |
Treatment of depression and suicide prevention, the promotion mental health in the workplace, and improving access to specific mental health programs for children and adolescents.
In 2009 the National Mental Health Center changed name to the National Mental Health and Antidrug Center to reflect the additional focus on the treatment of substance use disorders. |
Two or more categories (multi-layered interventions/programs) |
Y |
2006 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
People with mental health problems and family/carers |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NGO and/or UN and/or Government |
N/A |
Yes |
https://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/11424#t=aboutBook |
Treatment |
Romania |
8) Balanced Care Model |
Balanced Care Model acknowledges the need for hospital care but strives to provide as much community care as possible |
Two or more categories (multi-layered interventions/programs) |
Y |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
People with mental health problems and family/carers |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Mental health professionals + others |
N/A |
Yes |
Thornicroft G, Tansella M. The balanced care model: the case for both hospital- and community-based mental healthcare. Br J Psychiatry. 2013 Apr;202(4):246–248.
Rosen A, Gill NS, Salvador-Carulla L. The future of community psychiatry and community mental health services. Curr Opin Psychiatry. 2020 Jul;33(4):375–390.
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23549938/ |
Treatment |
Romania |
9) Shield Centre |
Daycare center designed to substitute psychiatric hospitals and aim to help patients reintegrate into society. It provides community mental health services including prevention, recuperation, and psycho-socio-vocational rehabilitation for people with disabilities and disadvantaged young adults |
Two or more categories (multi-layered interventions/programs) |
Y |
N/A |
N/A |
“Estuar” Foundation center network |
N/A |
people with disabilities and disadvantaged young adults |
Adolescents/Youth |
Brasov |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NGO and/or UN and/or Government |
N/A |
Yes |
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC11262102/ |
Treatment |
Romania |
10) Romanian League for Mental Health |
Community MH Center provides medical services, counseling, case management, information, advocacy, psychotherapy, occupational therapy, and legal assistance |
Education |
N |
1993 |
N/A |
Romanian League for Mental Health |
EU |
N/A |
People with mental health problems and family/carers |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Mental health professionals + others |
N/A |
Yes |
https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Martin-Dlouhy-2/publication/278003649_Mental_Health_Policies_in_Four_Eastern_European_Countries/links/5668152d08ae8905db8d8d6b/Mental-Health-Policies-in-Four-Eastern-European-Countries.pdf |
Education |
Romania |
The MENTALITY project is an EU-funded project dedicated to the transfer of mental health-focused promising practices aimed at children, healthcare and care workers, people with pre-existing mental health problems and psychosocial disabilities, migrants, and service providers. |
Education |
Y |
2023 |
N/A |
Romanian League for Mental Health
Mental Health Europe |
N/A |
N/A |
People with mental health problems and family/carers |
N/A |
N/A |
EU |
N/A |
Mental health professionals + others |
N/A |
Yes |
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TDRKa_nltSfrPNyGD19VCeVci4IhsidC_evjRvVCr3Q/edit?gid=0#gid=0 |
Education |
Romania |
13) Romanian Association for Social Psychiatry |
Focused on changing the society’s views on mental illness, re-integration within society and family, psychological recovery and helping people with mental health problems. |
Education |
Y |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Implementers (receiving training) and General population (receiving services) |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NGO and/or UN and/or Government |
N/A |
Yes |
https://www.who.int/romania/home/18-01-2021-scaling-up-telemedicine-services-in-romania-post-covid-19 |
Education |
Romania |
14) Digital Mental Health Interventions |
In order to increase mental health services accessibility, professionals developed online self-help tools. These take a variety of forms from websites, games and computer-assisted programs, apps, text messaging, to robots and digital devices or virtual reality. |
Non-focused Specialized Services (Individual, family, or group interventions including PFA, scalable psychological interventions, and basic MH care by primary health care workers) |
N |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
General Population |
N/A |
Halldorsson B, Hill C, Waite P, Partridge K, Freeman D, Creswell C. Annual Research Review: Immersive virtual reality and digital applied gaming interventions for the treatment of mental health problems in children and young people: the need for rigorous treatment development and clinical evaluation. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2021 May;62(5):584-605. doi: 10.1111/jcpp.13400. Epub 2021 Mar 2. PMID: 33655534.
Pretorius C, Chambers D, Coyle D. Young People’s Online Help-Seeking and Mental Health Difficulties: Systematic Narrative Review. J Med Internet Res. 2019 Nov 19;21(11):e13873. doi: 10.2196/13873. PMID: 31742562; PMCID: PMC6891826.
Ridout B, Campbell A. The Use of Social Networking Sites in Mental Health Interventions for Young People: Systematic Review. J Med Internet Res. 2018 Dec 18;20(12):e12244. doi: 10.2196/12244. PMID: 30563811; PMCID: PMC6315265. |
N/A |
N/A |
Mental health professionals + others |
N/A |
Yes |
Liverpool S, Mota CP, Sales CMD, Čuš A, Carletto S, Hancheva C, Sousa S, Cerón SC, Moreno-Peral P, Pietrabissa G, Moltrecht B, Ulberg R, Ferreira N, Edbrooke-Childs J. Engaging Children and Young People in Digital Mental Health Interventions: Systematic Review of Modes of Delivery, Facilita- tors, and Barriers. J Med Internet Res. 2020 Jun 23;22(6):e16317. doi: 10.2196/16317. PMID: 32442160; PMCID: PMC7381028. |
Mental health screening |
Romania |
15) Telepsychiatry |
Telepsychiatry is being delivered through existing commercial digital platforms (such as Skype, WhatsApp or FaceTime) and by telephone |
Non-focused Specialized Services (Individual, family, or group interventions including PFA, scalable psychological interventions, and basic MH care by primary health care workers) |
N |
2020 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
People with mental health problems |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Psychiatrists |
Healthcare providers + others |
N/A |
yes |
Băcilă C, Anghel C. 2020. Telepsychiatry in the Romanian Health System During COVID-19 Pandemic. Act Med Transilv 25(3): 75-77 |
Treatment |
Romania |
16) HIAS Romania - Community-Based Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) |
HIAS collaborates with local partners to assist displaced and vulnerable people through a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach. This strategy encompasses direct assistance and support for intervention by local civil society and the refugees themselves. This includes counseling services, the promotion of economic opportunities, facilitating access to justice, and safeguarding the rights of refugees.
The primary objective of HIAS Romania’s MHPSS programming is to empower partner organizations by enhancing their capacity, knowledge, and skills to effectively deliver assistance to vulnerable groups and individuals. MHPSS programs focus on helping forcibly displaced people to build their interpersonal connections, reinstate a feeling of dignity, justice, control, and autonomy in their lives, and bolster their resilience and general well-being. Furthermore, MHPSS endeavors to establish a reliable referral system, enabling individuals in need to access more focused and specialized care for continued support. |
Two or more categories (multi-layered interventions/programs) |
Y |
2022 |
Ongoing |
N/A |
Ukrainian refugees
women, girls, and members of the LGBTQ+ community |
Migrants/refugees/asylum seeker/internally displaced persons |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NGO and/or UN and/or Government |
Yiftach Millo, Country Director |
no |
https://hias.org/where/romania/ |
Referral |
Romania |
17) Psychological counselling to refugees |
Several organisations in Romania provide psychological counselling to refugees. The following aervices are provided:
- psychological and mental health assistance with trained staff and interpreters
- light mental health activities
- Call centre for persons with mental health conditions – ensured by the Centre for Community and Social Mediation Iasi (CMSC – https://www.cmsc.ro/), in Ukrainian and Romanian;
- Regular mental health support provided by Parentis Association, in the Nicolina Centre –parentis.ro/contact/ ;
- Regular group and individual psychological counseling, provided by Papadia Association, in Nicolina Centre https://fonss.ro/en/servicii-in-folosul-comunitatii-la-fundatia-papadia/
- Psychological counseling for the residents of Hostel Holland, provided by the psychologists of Betania Association – https://www.asociatiabetania.ro/ ;
- Psychologic counseling (individual and group counseling);
- Psychiatric consultations and medical support for people confronted with mental health problems. |
Non-focused Specialized Services (Individual, family, or group interventions including PFA, scalable psychological interventions, and basic MH care by primary health care workers) |
N |
2022 |
Ongoing |
Estuar Foundation
JRS Romania
FONSS Romania |
N/A |
Ukrainian refugees |
Migrants/refugees/asylum seeker/internally displaced persons |
Sighisoara |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NGO and/or UN and/or Government |
N/A |
yes |
https://help.unhcr.org/romania/information-for-people-from-ukraine/psychological-counselling/ |
Treatment |
Romania |
18) InIm Institute- Mental Health Interventions for Youth |
InIm Institute formed a consortium, together with 7 other organizations: Global Development; Department of Public Health and Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Babeș-Bolyai University; Positive Psychotherapy Association; EvoCariera; Romanian Health Observatory; Cluj Youth Federation. Collaborative research, aimed at identifying the needs and opportunities at the entire system’s level in Romania and involving the key players interested in mental health (organizations, formal and informal groups, or key institutions), in a broad action of developing a system, in order to bring change.
InIm Institute activities include:
- free online activities, workshops, and webinars focusing on stress reduction, motivation, emotional safety, and community building to promote teachers' emotional health for improving student behavior and academic success.
- Emotional Health Week is a national event that brings forward the importance of socio-emotional health in schools, as well as its role in education and its impact on the students’ harmonious development. InIm Institute organizes the event and it is designed to raise awareness of the need for well-being in school. Emotional Health Week’s third edition will occur from June 6 to June 9, 2023, under the motto “Together for Well-Being”.
Each year has a new theme, based on the current needs and trends in education. The 2023 theme, “Let’s Connect”, has been chosen to raise awareness of the need for belonging, which promotes well-being and socio-emotional health in classrooms and schools. When students learn in a safe space, both physically and emotionally, they develop a sense of belonging. This, in turn, generates the necessary learning environment for the development of emotional resilience that leads to academic performance.
Being is an international mental health initiative focused on identifing organizations dealing with mental health programs or projects aimed at young people. Being funds research and innovation to help improve the mental wellbeing of young people aged 10 to 24 in thirteen priority countries: Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Morocco, Pakistan, Romania, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania and Vietnam. |
Two or more categories (multi-layered interventions/programs) |
Y |
2023 |
Ongoing |
Inlm Institute;
Grand Challenges Canada; FondaBon Botnar, The UK’s Department of Health and Social Care ; National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), the Science for Africa Foundation, and United for Global Mental Health. |
Grand Challenges Canada |
Youth population age 10-24
Teachers and students in Romania |
Adolescents/Youth |
Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Morocco, Pakistan, Romania, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania and Vietnam. |
https://being-initiative.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Mapping-Youth-Mental-Health-Landscapes_April-18-2024.pdf |
Grand Challenges Canada; FondaBon Botnar, The UK’s Department of Health and Social Care ; National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), the Science for Africa Foundation, and United for Global Mental Health. |
Inim Foundation, Global Development; Department of Public Health and Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Babeș-Bolyai University; Positive Psychotherapy Association; EvoCariera; Romanian Health Observatory; Cluj Youth Federation
Specialised trainers, Experts in education & Researchers |
NGO and/or UN and/or Government |
romania@hias.org |
no |
https://en.iniminstitute.com/february-teachers-wellbeing-month-has-reached-its-fourth-edition/ |
Education |
Romania |
19) Teacher Wellness Program "The Teacher Within" |
"The Teacher Within" is a program aimed at enhancing the well-being of teachers through mindfulness and self-awareness. The program is based on neuroscience and the Five Core Concerns model from Harvard's Daniel Shapiro and Roger Fisher, promoting positive thinking and emotional resilience. It emphasizes the importance of self-care for teachers to create a compassionate and effective learning environment. |
Education |
Y |
2020 |
Ongoing |
InIm Institute / Transylvania College Foundation |
InIm Institute / Transylvania College Foundation |
Teachers in Romania |
Implementers/Providers (Receiving training) |
School enviroment |
n/a |
Donnors, taxes for trainings, books release |
Specialised trainers, Experts in education & Researchers |
School staff + others |
Dumitru Braharu Street, no. 11, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, postal code 400497
Tel: 0040730106303
trainings@iniminstitute.com |
no |
https://theteacherwithin.org/ |
Education |
Romania |
20) "The School of Trust" |
Education |
Y |
2019 |
Ongoing |
School of Trust Association |
School of Trust Association |
Students, teachers and parents in Romania |
Implementers/Providers (Receiving training) |
School enviroment |
chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://scoalaincrederii.ro/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Raport-Digital-2022-2023-Scoala-Increderii.pdf |
corporate sponsorships, donations, and partnerships |
Specialised trainers, Experts in education |
School staff + others |
Asociația Școala Încrederii
Aleea Băișoara, 2A Cluj-Napoca 400445 România
+40 790 138 767
prieten@scoalaincrederii.ro |
no |
https://scoalaincrederii.ro/echipa-noastra/ |
Education |