Scientific Evaluation of the Psychosocial Impacts of Baby Friendly Spaces

Recognizing the role of maternal mental health in child development, Baby Friendly Spaces (BFS) is a holistic, evidenced-based psychosocial support program implemented as a part of child malnutrition prevention. Services aim to enhance mothers’ wellbeing, internal resources, and child care skills to mitigate the negative impact of humanitarian crisis on children.
Lead Implementation Partner: Action Contre La Faim/Action Against Hunger
Lead Research Partner: University of Virginia, Johns Hopkins University
Population: Displaced Rohingya mothers and their young children in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh
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From the Field: Spotlight on Implementers
“Through this research project, I hope that Rohingya mothers who have mental and psychosocial problems will get better services and [that] we will gain more professional skills.”
–Jannatul Naima, Psychosocial Worker, Action Contre la Faim, Cox’s Bazar
Measuring the psychosocial wellbeing of Rohingya mothers in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh: Psychometric properties of an MHPSS assessment battery
For more information about Baby Friendly Spaces, please email