Activity Launch Event Spotlights Preventing Violence Against Children and Adolescents in Honduras

Activity Launch Event Spotlights Preventing Violence Against Children and Adolescents in Honduras

In July, the Implementation Science Collaborative’s (ISC) Honduras-based partner COIPRODEN held a launch event for an activity to support the Honduran National Response Plan for the Prevention of Violence against Children and Adolescents in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. The National Commission for the Prevention…

Get to Know ECSA-HC

Get to Know ECSA-HC

The East, Central and Southern Africa Health Community (ECSA-HC)—the former commonwealth secretariat—is a sub-regional intergovernmental health organization comprised of nine member states (Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Kingdom of Eswatini, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe), and has worked many other countries within and…

Informing Ministerial Resolutions to Address Violence Against Children and Community-Based Mental Health in East Africa

Informing Ministerial Resolutions to Address Violence Against Children and Community-Based Mental Health in East Africa

Implementation Science Collaborative (ISC) partners—including the Africa Academy for Public Health (AAPH), the Infectious Diseases Institute (IDI), and LVCT Health—and ISC Secretariat University Research Co. LLC (URC) attended the East, Central and Southern Africa Health Community’s (ECSA-HC) Best Practices Forum (BPF) and…

Developments from the Consortium of Universities of Global Health (CUGH) 2024 Conference 

Developments from the Consortium of Universities of Global Health (CUGH) 2024 Conference 

CUGH Deans and Directors Roundtable 2024 continues the conversation on how to advance Implementation Science  Implementation Science Collaborative partners City University of New York (CUNY), University of California Berkeley (UCB), and University Research Co. (URC) hosted a Deans and Directors Roundtable during…

Evidence from Community-based Psychosocial Support Interventions: Examples from Colombia and the Philippines   

Evidence from Community-based Psychosocial Support Interventions: Examples from Colombia and the Philippines   

Vulnerable individuals tend to enter the mental health system through the general community or primary care level. Therefore, it is essential to improve pathways to access these services at lower levels of care and ensure local leadership in service development. Community-based psychosocial…

City University of New York Unveils New Mental Health & Psychosocial Support Knowledge Hub

City University of New York Unveils New Mental Health & Psychosocial Support Knowledge Hub

Mental health care and psychosocial support (MHPSS) interventions are commonly used by non-governmental and humanitarian organizations in challenging settings to improve psychosocial wellbeing and mental health. While there is growing evidence on the importance of a continuum of MHPSS service options, there…

ISC partners at 16th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation

ISC partners at 16th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation

ISC partners, CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Columbia University, New York presented a poster on the topic, “Community-based PSS interventions for populations affected by conflict and displacement: Lessons from a multinational collaborative study” at the 16th Annual Conference on the…