Implementation Science Evaluation

Committed to inspiring evidence-based change, the Implementation Science Collaborative (ISC) responds to pressing needs and questions related to global health programs and policies. We are currently working with UNICEF Cambodia and USAID Cambodia to scope and implement an evaluation of Cambodia’s National Parenting Programme. The Positive Parenting Programme aims to end violence against children and preventing unnecessary family separation in Cambodia, with a focus on the home environment. It is developed for all caregivers and aims to address norms, issues around discipline, unaffectionate parent-child relations, and expectations about children’s behavior and development.

See below for a list of our completed evaluation activities, all of which were led by a combination of global and sub-regional anchors in collaboration with other partners.

Evaluation Activities

This evaluation explored the quality, management, sustainability, and USAID alignment of Health Service Delivery and its activities to expand the access to and availability of integrated health services to quality Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (RMNCH) services in Jordan. The team used a combination of qualitative data collection, surveys, facility checklists and observations, validation of select monitoring data, and analysis of secondary data sources. 

Click here for the report

USAID Guinea launched a flagship five-year HSD Activity in December 2015 to support the provision of an essential and integrated care package for maternal, neonatal child health and family planning in a consistent, high-quality manner in health facilities and surrounding communities in seven out of eight the regions Guinea (Boké, Conakry, Kindia, Mamou, Faranah, Kankan and Labé). Goals of the evaluation were to: identify and document best/good practices, lessons learned, and insights from engagement of public/private sectors, and understand factors affecting post-investment sustainability of service delivery processes and outcomes.

Final Evaluation Report – FR | EN 
Final Evaluation Report Brief – FR | EN 
Standards-Based Management and Recognition (SBMR) Case Study – FR | EN 
SBMR Case Study Brief – FR | EN 

The purpose of this assessment was to explore the status of the Positive Youth Development (PYD) approach, YouthPower’s role in facilitating PYD uptake, and strategic considerations looking forward. The assessment examined successes and challenges of YouthPower’s experience with PYD programs; the extent to which the PYD approach is understood and utilized by youth development partners in the field; YouthPower’s role in advancing PYD, and the key considerations for expanding use of the approach globally. Assessment results will inform USAID on how the agency can most effectively support PYD through future youth development procurements, including YouthPower 2. 

Final Evaluation Report –EN 
Executive Summary –EN 
PYD Assessment Presentation –EN 

The purpose of this midterm evaluation was to review Global Health Program Cycle Improvement  (GHPro) Project’s performance to date in the landscape of various support mechanisms funded by USAID’s Bureau for Global Health, with the goal of identifying opportunities to add value, improve program quality and efficiency, and reduce cost. 

Click here to view the report: 

The purpose of the IMC Project was to contribute to a 50% reduction of malaria morbidity and mortality in Burkina Faso, relative to 2011 health management information system data, by improving the quality of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of malaria in 100% of the country’s public health facilities by the end of 2018. With the project originally due to end in September 2018, USAID/Burkina Faso requested an external evaluation to assess project progress and challenges related to malaria prevention and treatment efforts and to aid in the development of plans for future USAID-funded support to the national malaria control effort. 

The USAID Health Evaluation and Applied Research Development project supported the USAID Nigeria Mission by developing an evaluation scope to address a complex set of impact evaluation and embedded learning needs. As the USAID Mission in Nigeria was preparing to award for two new, five-year bilateral health projects, the Integrated Health Project and President’s Malaria Initiative for States Project, the Mission sought support in conceptualizing an impact evaluation design that would not only measure achievement of intended Project outcomes and impacts, but also draw insights on the comparative strengths of the different program strategies, particularly the projects’ contrasting vertical and integrated approaches to malaria care. 

How We Use Implementation Science to Affect Change

  1. The first step in achieving more effective policies and programs is to consult with local and regional partners. Teams consider country relevance, required buy-in, and the demand by county, regional, and/or national governments/agencies for evidence-informed decision-making.
  2. After a strategy is in place and partnerships are secured, ISC ensures any available research or data is made more accessible, or “liberated,”  so that influencers and policymakers can see evidence of what is needed and what works.
  3. If a data gap exists or key questions need to be answered, ISC supports research and evaluation to explore acceptability, adaptability, effectiveness, scalability and sustainability of proposed policy and interventions.
  4. All evidence is then curated to create advocacy tools, engage relevant agencies and civic groups, and inform communities.

With a process for liberating, strengthening, and sharing data, we can together ignite real change.