Dissemination Highlights

Stakeholder involvement and input were critical throughout each stage of the Urban Health Assessment. On September 30, 2019, a Dissemination Workshop was held at the Silver Springs Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya. Twenty stakeholders were present for the meeting, representing the national (7) and county government (5), Korogocho slum residents (3) and non-governmental organizations (5).
The purpose of this meeting was to review the case study and literature review to determine key findings and recommendations, as well as improve pathways for dissemination. The key recommendations identified are detailed below.
Findings from the case-study showed that children and adolescents are exposed to various nutrition and WASH vulnerabilities, which have a negative impact on their nutrition status and health. This was despite the existence of many actors and programs running in Korogocho slum. Most of the vulnerabilities faced were attributed to poverty, which highlights the need for more comprehensive programs which include an aspect of poverty alleviation.
A lack of coordination in implementation of Nutrition and WASH programs resulted in duplication of programs. A key recommendation that was made by a senior government official was the need for the Kenyan government to take up the responsibility of coordinating stakeholders currently running programs in Nairobi. This recommendation is now included in the policy brief which will be distributed to various government officials.
As the Ministry of Education is responsible for the school feeding program, it was recommended that we must increase their level of involvement to improve the nutrition of students living in urban slum environments.
Undernutrition among infants and young children were attributed to lack of sufficient time for child care, as most caregivers were involved in income generating activities. Consequently, mothers opted to leave their children in day care centers, but the quality of care offered in most of these centers was poor. This highlights the need for regulation of daycare centers in informal settlements so as to ensure that children receive adequate care.
The lack of adolescent friendly health services was highlighted as a major barrier to utilization of health services, including problems like a lack of privacy and long lines. There is therefore a need to increase the demand for health services among adolescents, which can be achieved by having specific times when adolescents are attended to.