From Survey to Action: Protecting Children from Violence 

The Violence Against Children and Youth Surveys (VACS) generate critical data on risk and protective factors, consequences of violence, and access to services. Following the VACS, countries work to act on the results through specific policy and program efforts. The post-VACS phase, depicted in Figure 1, typically involves various activities, including data-to-action workshops, report launches, and evidence-based national action plans. These activities are facilitated and implemented through a multisectoral coordination of government, civil society stakeholders as well as other national, regional and international partners supporting efforts to address and ultimately end violence against children. 

Figure 1. Typical Country Efforts in the Post-VACS Phase 

ISC documents and shares successes in acting on VACS data by:    

1. Global landscaping to document the processes, technical support, and coordination mechanisms that have proven to be most useful in transforming VACS results from “data-to-action

2. Directly supporting countries to address key aspects of a country’s post-VACS process through partnered priority identification and a Request for Applications process. This helps select well-equipped implementers to partner with governments on priority action and learning efforts. 

3. Enhancing evidence communication through knowledge sharing hub and network development