Global Landscape of Post-VACS Action

Analysis Provides First Comprehensive Review of Violence Against Children and Youth Surveys

The Implementation Science Collaborative (ISC), in coordination with Together for Girls, CUNY and USAID, recently published a report, “The Power of Data to Action,” which is a companion summary to the full technical report of the Landscape Analysis on “Using Data to Inform National Efforts to End Violence Against Children: Country Experiences and Lessons following Violence against Children and Youth Surveys.” The Landscape Analysis provides the first comprehensive review of country experiences in transforming their Violence Against Children and Youth Survey results into concrete sex- and age-specific improvements for children and young people. The analysis synthesizes the views of 225 stakeholders from across 20 countries, spanning four regions.

Summary Report:

Full Landscape Analysis Report:

Data-to-Action for Protecting Children From Violence: Lessons Learned From Indonesia 

Led by Universitas Indonesia, this newly published case study reflects on Indonesia’s experiences, challenges, and perceived potential ways forward in both implementing national surveys to measure violence against children and youth and translating the data into actions. Indonesia’s 2013 survey reflects the strong commitment made by the Government of Indonesia to eliminate or reduce various forms of violence against children via strengthened prevention, protection, and response efforts. Some findings from the survey were even integrated in relevant national policies. In 2018, the Government of Indonesia implemented a second national survey, which suggested that violence rates detected in 2013 persist, and that national efforts have catalyzed action and triggered task-sharing across multi-sectoral groups and stakeholders invested in a comprehensive response. As of 2021, a third VACS was initiated, and the generation of a new report is underway.