Kenya: Post-VACS Data-to-Action Activities
In 2022, LVCT Health and World Vision Kenya agreed to work together to amplify specific aspects of the country’s response to Violence Against Children and Youth Survey (VACS) results.
In Kenya, which is one of just two countries globally to have completed two VACS (the other is Zimbabwe), the partners created visibility and public awareness of the findings from the most recent (2019) VACS, facilitated county-level planning on implementing the National Prevention and Response Plan on Violence Against Children (NPRP), and allocated resources to the most appropriate interventions.
LVCT Health and World Vision Kenya convening cross-sectoral workshops at county and national levels. In addition, LVCT Health completed a retrospective qualitative analysis to explore what policy and program efforts stakeholders in Kenya consider most likely to have contributed to the reduction in violence measured between the first and second VACS. This analysis was co-funded by Wellspring Philanthropic Fund and USAID’s HEARD Project.

Kenya’s Journey Towards Protecting Children: A Decade of Change (2010-2019)
This qualitative study on Violence Against Children was conducted to examine the shifts in children’s experiences of violence in Kenya from 2010 to 2019. The study explored VAC policies and guidelines established during this period. It also reviewed the strategies and interventions employed and the coordination and implementation mechanisms, including building service providers’ capacity and strengthening information systems to reinforce VAC prevention and response services.
Implementer Spotlight: LVCT Health
Anne Ngunjiri, Senior Technical Advisor at LVCT Health, shares how the Violence Against Children Surveys are informing protection policies, response programs, and provision of survivor care in Kenya.