Findings From the Baby Friendly Spaces and Entre Nosotras Program
In 2021, Action contre la Faim (ACF) and HIAS separately implemented mental health and psychosocial support interventions for trauma-exposed populations in Bangladesh and Panamá/Ecuador, respectively. Both teams have completed the implementation and data collection phases of their study and are moving forward with data analysis and dissemination. This report summarizes the findings of each team as presented during the MHPSS Learning Collaborative Meeting on June 30, 2022. “Baby Friendly Spaces (Bangladesh)” was presented by ACF/Johns Hopkins University/University of Virginia. “Entre Nosotras (Ecuador & Panama)” was presented by HIAS/Columbia University/University of Copenhagen. The team discussed the challenges presented by the complexity of pragmatic field research and of measuring the added value of community-based design. Read the full report here.