Lifeline/Childline Namibia tackles violence prevention through parenting
The National Parents and Caregivers Strategy draws on VAC data to break cycles of violence in Namibia, one family at a time
In 2023, Lifeline/Childline Namibia, a child wellbeing organization that operates the only child-centered crisis helpline in Namibia, developed a costed National Strategy for Parents and Caregivers for the Government of Namibia.
“People are not automatically born ready to be parents,” said Zelnadia de Waal, a consultant with Childline/Lifeline Namibia and a social worker based in Windhoek. “The National Strategy for Parents and Caregivers understands that caregivers need support. We all need to be open to learning on our parenting journeys, and our strategy focuses on empowering caregivers to break cycles of violence in their families and communities.”